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Lab results for blood work, TTC, and multiple miscarriages... Help!

Hello! I am 25 years old and have been TTC since October of last year since my last miscarriage. I have had 2 total miscarriages and both were at around 5 to 6 weeks. The 1st one I had a normal miscarriage with a sac and baby, the second was just a sac. I went to a OBGYN specialist last week and he ordered blood work since my periods are so irregular. I have anywhere from a 28 to a 44 day cycle, mainly being around 35 days. My test results are back but my appointment is not until the 23rd of this month. Everything came back in normal (green) results except for my FREE TESTOSTERONE level which is 6.6 h . Im not sure how to read these results but when I google it the normal is 0 to around 3. I have read a lot of PCOS and am concerned that I have this. Does anyone else have any info on FREE TESTOSTERONE levels being high and what can cause this? I have a lot of the symptoms from the PCOS, like weight gain and acne. HELP!

1 Answer • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 1 of 1 Answers

It sort of sounds like PCOS. That can cause elevated testosterone levels. You also have pretty irregular cycles, which also is a symptom of PCOS. It's good that your other levels are all normal though. As hard as it is to wait, your best bet is to just talk to the doctor on the 23rd. If it is PCOS there are several options to help get you pregnant, and hopefully help you stay pregnant. I think I read somewhere that some think the elevated testosterone can be why women with PCOS miscarry more often than others. So it would be important to find out what you can do to hopefully get those levels under control. PCOS may not be the only reason, that's just what I'm most familiar with. I'm also not an MD. Best of luck to you and hope you get some answers soon!

9 years ago

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