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Has this happened to anyone else?

If my calculations are right I should be 5weeks 6days today, I got my BFP yesterday. But what worries me is that last night I had mild cramping and when I went to the bathroom there was some pinkish/brownish blood. I've never been pregnant before so this scares me. There wasn't a lot of blood only a few drops when I wipe along with the mild cramps. I went to bed last night praying that this isn't a M/C. This morning the blood was still there but less and brownish, its almost cleared up now but I still have very mild cramping. Is this normal? Any advice will be very much appreciated.

Me: 28 DF: 29 TTC: 5 YEARS!! Me: PCOS 3 Rounds Fertomid: BFN Metformin: 500mg Daily December 2014: BFP!! On Our Own!!! M/C: 7 Weeks 1Day TTC FOR RAINBOW BABY 2015! User Image

5 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

I'm going through the same thing. But mine has only been brownish on and off not at all though. I understand why it freaks you out. This is my fourth pregnancy (two full term and one mc in May) and I just found out last week I'm pregnant. From lmp I'm 4 1/2 but from O' I'm probably 2 1/2. See my experience it can go either way. My first pregnancy I spotted bright red around 5weeks for one day. But it went away and I had a heatlhy baby boy.:) but my third pregnancy I started to spot at the same time bright red and it never got better and I eneded up miscarryng :( so with this one I am scared because I dont know. I cramp here and there and brownish spotting sometimes. It's been going on for 3daynow. And I thought maybea chemical but my lines kept getting darker and I'm way passed my period I don't think that it. I hope. Sorry if this is no help. But it can be from implantation bleeding. It can be nothing bad. And I hope that is it for both of us;) good luck and congrats.

9 years ago

I got brown spotting at around 5 weeks I went for a scan an they could see everythink an even a beartbeat, I did go onto have a mc at 11 weeks but this was nothing to do with the spotting, it ended up being a molar pregnancy, but the spotting was jst implantaion. If there is no red blood then its probably fine but its alwaus worth telling your nurse about.

9 years ago

Hi with my daughter I had brown and pink spotting with cramping and she was fine they said it was just old blood coming away from implantation I'm pregnant again 12 weeks and I have had extremely heavy bleed bright red for days then it stopped for a week then started again then turned brown enough to think it was a period but scan showed baby is ok and I had a bleed under the sac but it can't harm baby bleeding could be off a lot of things during pregnancy iv also had cramping this time and baby ok this had been going on since 5 weeks ino it's terrifying to see blood wen pregnant I told my midwife about it all and they had booked me in for early scans my first scan I was so early nothing could be seen I have now had 4 scans and only 12 weeks gone and baby happy and healthy with strong heart beat try not to worry ino it's hard cos all I did was think the worst hope everything okay for u hun :)

9 years ago

Thanks for all the answers, good to know that I'm not going through this alone. The cramps have subsided and also the bleeding. But just now I'm getting a backache like I do when AF is coming. Then when I went to the bathroom there was some brown spotting again. I really hope that its nothing serious and that this pregnancy goes on to the full 9months, I've been trying for 3 years. Best of luck to you all and baby dust. Praying for stickys

Me: 28 DF: 29 TTC: 5 YEARS!! Me: PCOS 3 Rounds Fertomid: BFN Metformin: 500mg Daily December 2014: BFP!! On Our Own!!! M/C: 7 Weeks 1Day TTC FOR RAINBOW BABY 2015! User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

I got my BFP and then started spotting and having cramps similar to AF. I was scared to death as we had a history of losses. We got betas done a few days apart and everything was rising properly, so I decided to do a little digging online to see what was up. Apparently spotting, especially brown blood is VERY common in early pregnancy. It is *thought* to be blood that is released from implantation, and just takes a few days to work itself out of the vagina, which is why it's so scant and brown like old blood. As for the cramping, as soon as your body starts producing hCG, your uterus gets the signal to start stretching in preparation for the baby. The tightness and AF- type cramps are caused by your uterus growing.
If you are still worried, I would see if your primary doc will run your hCG betas to make sure the levels are doubling to five you peace of mind.
Good luck!

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9 years ago

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