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Who has gotten the HSG/dye test done?

My husband and I have been TTC close to a year. I had the HSG test done on June 4th. Thankfully everything looked good and my tubes were clear. My dr mentioned that many times after an HSG he has seen pregnancy happen shortly after because it clears out a woman's tubes and stimulates them for pregnancy. Just wanted to know if anyone has gotten pregnant shortly after HSG and attributes it to the HSG test?

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers


I had the HSG test done 3 times over the past 20 years. Unfortunately, with neither test I conceived within the first 3 months afterwards. I have heard that pregnancy occurs more easily when an oil-based dye is used. I hope you succeed shortly here. I wish you the best of luck.

10 years ago

I had the dye test during a lap. One clear; one not. The blocked one could not be cleared due to a mass of adhesions - too webbed to safely cut away as it was hard to identify my ureter!

No pregnancy. Ever. It all depends on the reason for any infertility. I have quite a few issues (see my page). But yes, I heard the dye test can lead to pregnancy.

But also heard about the woman who conceived when waiting for her referral. And the one who conceived when waiting for her laparoscopy. And the one who conceived straight after her surgery/ IVF. And the woman who thought she could never have children and then she did. And the one who didn't know she was pregnant until she was in A & E with stomach pains. And the one who conceived after she adopted. And the one who conceived in her 40s.

The thing is, any of that or none of that may happen to you. Let us know if the dye test works for you...

5 years TTC. Endometriosis and adenomyosis. Surgery. 2 IVFs. No joy. Low ovarian reserve. Is there any real hope? DE IVF = next step. Much higher success rates, but so used to things not working, it's hard to feel too hopeful. Wishing others an easier time.

10 years ago

Hey there. I had an HSG test done back in March and I'm sad to report my husband and I are still not pregnant. We are now at a point where we are debating on seeing a specialist as all of our testing came back normal. Best of luck to you!

10 years ago

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