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Need Advice

Here's my situation. I just got my BFP yesterday the problem is that I have a friend that has been trying for 2 years to get pregnant. I'm so excited that I am, but don't know how to tell her. I don't want to cause problems in our friendship and I know she will be really excited for me but how do I tell her? We have only been trying for 7 months.

4 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers


It took me a year to get my BFP and it would always hurt when I'd find out someone else was pregnant before me....but I was also excited for them. Keep in mind that she will have mixed feelings about it, but she'll still be happy for you too. Try not to rub it in too much around her. My poor sister-in-law has had 2 miscarriages and has gone through 2-3 rounds of IUI and next month they're doing IVF. I was so nervous to tell her when I got my BFP, but she's been absolutely thrilled for me (and excited for her future niece) and has been one of my biggest supporters. In the beginning I'd wait for her to "bring it up" when we were hanging out...but the 'awkwardness' didn't last long. Just try to be sensitive of her feelings, but she'll still be happy for you. Make sure you are the one to tell her and not let her find out from someone else. Congrats and good luck!

12 years ago

That's a really difficult situation to be in, but it's very good of you to think of her feelings in such an incredibly emotional and exciting time for you. I would wait until you next meet up or speak to tell her - don't call her especially just to tell her. When you do tell her, don't be overblown excited and don't stay on the subject for too long. She's probably not the right person to share your all your pregnancy excitement and news with, so just let her know and then focus on other aspects of your lives. Hope this helps!

12 years ago

Thanks everyone!!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

It's very tough and I think you are wonderful friend for keeping her feelings in mind. One month after having my miscarriage at 15 weeks, my 19 year old niece called me to tell me she took a test as a joke and it was about all kinds of mixed feelings!! But, she has nothing to do with my situation and it will happen for me, just like it will happen for your friend:)

12 years ago

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