What women are saying

Yellow Cervical Fluid

OhBoyOrGirl  3 years ago
It seems I get yellow thick creamy cm and or yellowish ewcm after ovulation till Af or bfp.. can't rely on my cervix or cm for pg symptoms.


MintCookie  3 years ago
I had yellow pale cm like lotion on cd6-8 and got bfp CD 9


OhBoyOrGirl  4 years ago
Been having this since 2dpo & I'm now 7dpo




member_58252  4 years ago
Had it once wiped it was on to... never had it before... it was pale yellow...


Emschultz  6 years ago
have had it 9-10dpo so far


BeesMom  6 years ago
7dpo mucus plug like yellowish discharge.


Misoblond  6 years ago
pale yellow CM on TP. I don't remember ever having this during the TWW


meganlovesyouuu  6 years ago
7dpo yellow tinged discharge egg white consistency this morning


Guest  6 years ago
This is my 4th IUI and this cycle I'm using Progesterone capsules from DPO3; I have this symptom everyday.


Bisbee17  7 years ago
1dpo stretchy yellow and most of the time white


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