What women are saying

Stuffy Nose

Page 16

Guest  12 years ago
5 dpo and very stuffy but runny at night and constantly sneezing


Guest  12 years ago
5dpo, and my nose is always stuffed, and it gets verrrryy runny during the night, to the point where it runs almost like WATER !.


Ohmaureen  12 years ago
11 dpo, stuffy nose and flu-like symptoms




LizCurtis  12 years ago
14 dpo, stuffy & runny, new symptom


Guest  12 years ago
7 dpo started feeling the stuffy nose. Just kinda feels like it wants to be stopped up but still allows me to breathe.


nena31  12 years ago
24dpo, stuffy nose and feels like I got a cold.


saitiffeh  12 years ago
10dpo, stuffy nose :S


Guest  12 years ago
7dpo Really stuffy nose feel like I have pimples in my nose from it being so dry


Guest  12 years ago
8 weeks pregnant and have a dry stuffy nose and it hurts. kinda feel like i have sores in the back of my nose ..this is realy uncomfortable.


Guest  12 years ago
10 dpo . Stuffy nose for 2 days... back pain .


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