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What women are saying

Tender Breasts

Page 17

lauranrw  10 years ago
7dpo: bursts of uncomfortable pain in breasts and nipples. Areolas are larger


lozwantsababy  10 years ago
i have massive blue veins running down my BBS and circling my nipples, only slightly tender 10dpo


Older mama   10 years ago
I'm 5 dpo and have tender breasts. My areolas are larger.




junebug1977  10 years ago
Breasts are definetly sore. Not unbearable but noticably more tender. Nipples have been very itchy and sensitive. I am 6DPO


Cuteasabutton  10 years ago
My right breast has a sore duct and I feel tingling off and on in my nipples, but they are not sore to the touch. Anyone else?


Laurenjaye  10 years ago
10dpo today and boobs aren't as tender and no shooting pains. Still tired and dizzy, I hope it's not a bad sign


halyn'smommy  10 years ago
super sore boobs/nipples since dpo 6


iwant2bamom  10 years ago
7dpo my breasts hurts


Smiles09  10 years ago
I am 6dpo and I have really sore boobs and sensitive nipples.


sublimenhb  10 years ago
6 or 7 dpo sore bbs/sensitive nipples


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