What women are saying

Dull Cramps/Pressure

Page 81

ready2bamommy12  10 years ago
I have had the crampy feeling since yesterday (8dpo) It is in my lower abdomen, I feel really bloated with backache and shooting pain in bb


vburridge  10 years ago
3dpo and I have like very light throbbing pain in lower abdomen


AmberSmth33  10 years ago
I just feel like I am going to start my period...not bad cramps, but mild. Back is hurting too




felurian  10 years ago
Started feeling cramping two days before my BFP, and it hasn't stopped.


prfic1  10 years ago
10 dpo have little cramps backache for a few days bow


babyhopes3xx  10 years ago
1/2dpo du pressure in hips back and stomach


queenmika25  10 years ago
12dpo and I feel crampy not too severe but medium....no blood when I wiped. AF due on 7/27.


saprina  10 years ago
I'm 7 DPO experiencing Mild Cramps in the lower abdomen slightly increasing in intensity more than last few days.


chip03  10 years ago
pain in lower right front tummy 8 dpo


Crazykittenism  10 years ago
11 dpo and there's stretching sort of cramp feeling on my right side. It's uncomfortable but only slightly painful


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