What women are saying


Page 29

Wanna have baby dust  10 years ago
I dont know , Im tired but its not too much...the intensity mentioned here is not with me..im hopeful for pregnancy


Prinder  10 years ago
Several days of this already (except freak day DPO 12) WTAF??


Wanna have baby dust  10 years ago
I am not feeling tooo tired but mild and im on 6DPO..i really am scared...wanna have baby soon..




Wanna have baby dust  10 years ago
I am not feeling tooo tired but mild and im on 6DPO..i really am scared...wanna have baby soon..


stargazer85  10 years ago
9 dpo... feel very tired and blah today. Allergies, headaches, body aches, gassy, waves of slight nausea... I just want to crawl in bed.


Lexy322  10 years ago
15dpo and Exhausted I mean I just feel so drained today like I haven't done anything ALL day.


Lesleyajack  10 years ago
15 DPO and I cannot keep my eyes open! I am feeling super exhausted and have not lifted a finger all day. I can barely make it to the gym!


raqshar  10 years ago
my eyes cant stay open, even if i do not go off to sleep. My eyes feel so heavy and tired


shawnnonkay  10 years ago
8dpo cant stay awake while at work, have been taking naps in my car during lunch :/ Becoming very hard for me to wake up in the mornings.


Fungus  10 years ago
10dpo today and found myself haveing to take naps this last few days.


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