What women are saying


Page 20

Dreamgirl33  10 years ago
10dpo and I have the worst leg pain and I've had pressure in my abdomen right before I pee. My back has been hurting. Nipples darker????


sophia31  10 years ago
since 4dpo having slight cramoing and a dull backache like im going to start af is this a good sign of pregnancy no sore boobs like my other


Bfringer  10 years ago
Someone give me a message please! Dpo 8 and my dying over here..




GeorgieJ  10 years ago
7 dpo achy lower back


nestle  10 years ago
i have pain on the right side of my butt and leg pain. 2dpo


NathansMommy09  10 years ago
bad back pain 7dpo, cramping, nausea, headaches


FullMoonMagic8  10 years ago
Lower back pain and pelvic cramping on 4 dpo.


jenifap9  10 years ago
4DPO sore legs like onset of menstration


breyanna1109  10 years ago
7 dpo today. Experiencing mild back aches and sore joints.


hope4me2014  10 years ago
Only 2 dpo very mild backache and dull pain near ovaries


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