What women are saying


Page 17

Tara06  10 years ago
The bloating is huge for me after a good meal! Like to the point i cant barely breathe! Then follows with gas.... 8dpo


mrspolak430  10 years ago
I'm 11 dpo and got my BFP. I can barely sit in my pants and have them unbuttoned and barely zipped at my desk. I also have horrid gas!


swtmaina  10 years ago
I was extremely bloated from 4DPO to 9DPO, but now I'm just somewhat bloating on 10DPO and really wishing I had the extreme bloating back ha




chip03  10 years ago
10dpo jeans cause pain/ cramps if I have them button. Bloated.


  10 years ago
10 DPO such painful gas ouch need to lay down constantly than I get heartburn


iwannabeamommay  10 years ago
severe bloating, can barely fit into my jeans! lower stomach and back pains


omgiacobbi  10 years ago
6DPO today & I'm SO incredibly, painfully bloated.


mojojo29  10 years ago
4dpo and really bloated, painful gas and some nausea (from the gas i think) uncomfortable lower abdomen pain


mamalah  10 years ago
I am so bloated I think my stomach is 5 inches bigger than usual. Very gassy as well. Started 9dpo....implantation?


nyctonm77  10 years ago
feeling bloated, gassy and weepy, idk if my minds playing tricks on me or if it might be real, i am 6DPO of now 6/23/13, NEED HFP!am I?


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