Photo #920206


Raindrop16  4 years ago

Looked faint pos at 4min but not sure ...24 days late...and before all u neg nancies say its not preg....plenty women have late pos even up to 4mos....









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Total votes: 21



Comments (12)


Raindrop16   4 years ago

1st of asking for help or doing what everyone on this site is doing, which is being hopeful 2nd ur ASSUMING I dont want to see a doc but in reality have an appt coming up and 3rd I have already said and u can see ur self MANY women show late or not at all and it is not as rare as ppl have said it is

Htal2011  4 years ago

It’s clearly a very emotional time for you. You asked for help and multiple people have recommended that you go and see a doctor which you don’t want to do for some reason. It is absolutely not normal to miss your period (or 2). You should save your money and stop testing and go and get checked.

Raindrop16   4 years ago

I also didn't feel the test was positive either that doesn't mean say it's not pregnancy. That mean say , looks neg try another in a week good luck baby dust to u!

Raindrop16   4 years ago

Warsmith thanks ....its not a matter of the test ...its the matter that just because it was negative ppl saying I'm not pregnant or it's something bad as if many women dont have late bfp....see the first comment

Warsmith  4 years ago

I don't think anyone is trying to be mean, I really do mean it when I say good luck! The only way to know for sure is your doctor. However, you posted in the unsure category which is asking people to vote on it, and that particular test doesn't seem positive in my experience.

Htal2011  4 years ago

Of course you’re feeling hopeful. We aren’t doctors here so we can’t say if you are pregnant or not and can only make assumptions based on your pictures. So we can’t really offer you any further help other than being honest about your pictures?

Raindrop16   4 years ago

And with my 1st the only symptoms I had was lower back aches, hunger and bloating a few weeks before I found out at 3 3/4 so please excuse me if I'm being hopeful and not rushing to the doc looking for them to tell me something neg

Raindrop16   4 years ago

L I have at the moment. I feel tightness in cervix when laughing, on n off nausea especially when hungry, high sex drive, wet thinking af coming just watery or creamy, small cramps here and there nothing regular and lower back achy/ af symptoms at all

Raindrop16   4 years ago

Ut it sure doesn't seem like anyone else has anything pos to say about it. That would be like me seeing a faint and saying " hmm might not last, could be early miscarriage ur line should have been darker " . Being I scheduled my yearly it took 2mos to get me in they won't rush so signs n tests is al

Raindrop16   4 years ago

The thing is I have pcos but iv been regular for years now so I read and found out many many women with pcos has gotten late bfp ...women who surpassed the 25 day late ...women who tested neg until 2mos in ...iv made 2 post nobody replies I post a pic everyone says not preg ...I'm not saying it is b

Warsmith  4 years ago

I second going and getting a blood test or other blood work done ?? good luck! Better to know for sure if you're concerned.

Htal2011  4 years ago

Go and get a blood test? Not being a negative Nancy but based on this test, it’s not a pregnancy. I had a look at your older pictures too and seems your cycle has played tricks on you previously as well. I’m sorry you’re going through this x
