Photo #1148615


gretja  2 years ago

ok, ladies. what started out as a calm and rational person has turned into a complete lunatic. my fmu tests (which have been getting darker) were much lighter this morning. so, i took 3 more with an hour hold and see these. can someone please help me calm down? i’m so nervous (con't)











Comments (9)


gretja   2 years ago

i keep replying to comments and they don’t save. what the heck??

thank you, awilliams and tiebreaker! not sure i have enough hcg for the hook, yet, but can try. what the heck!

that’s a good point, tiebreaker. i hate these frers. and this wait.

thetiebreaker  2 years ago

Also, These also look darker than the fmu so that is positive. Hang in there! Stupid frer tests can vary in dye content, as well! :)

thetiebreaker  2 years ago

I think you’re just really early on since you weren’t exactly tracking this month. hcg doubles between 24 and 36 hours, so you may have just caught a diluted sample that hasn’t doubled from the day before quite yet. SMU is always best for me - I think you’re looking great! Relax mama!

Awilliams85  2 years ago

It could be that your fmu was too concentrated. Possible “hook effect”. If it does this again in the morning, try diluting it with a little water and see what happens. If it’s darker with water than that’s exactly what’s happening.

gretja   2 years ago

thank you for taking the time to look and comment, midnightfalls! i panicked bc my fmu (this time around) have been the darkest, and those tests were steadily getting darker until yesterday. but both today and yesterday's smu were darker. trying to breathe and keep a light heart about it. <3

midnightfalls  2 years ago

I understand your panic.
I think your second tests look fantastic. FMU isn't always the best and SMU offers better results. I would definately feel relieved that your tests got darker. -xxx-

gretja   2 years ago

omg. i'm rereading all of this and i realize how freaking nuts i look, sound, appear, and am.

gretja   2 years ago

and i timed the tests so i could take the photo right at the 5mm/3mm/2mm, respectively. the top is pregmate, middle is frer, bottom is frrr.

gretja   2 years ago

the lines on each test began to appear even before the urine hit the control line, which didn’t happen with my fmu from today.
