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Posts by xSharky7

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Dark opk day of expected period and 2 days after

So in cycle day 23 I had a 3 day of pink spotting then I started getting positive opk that got darker I took ...

1 Answer      

Latest 1 year ago



Spotting cycle day 26 with cramps , implantion ?

I don’t know when I ovulated but I normally get my period between cycle day 20 -40 on cycle day 25 in th ...

0 Answers      

Latest 6 years ago





very early heavy period with clots, lasted 4 days no cramps , please help

last period came 15 days late heavy with cramps . 17 days after that I was bleeding again . went to the toil ...

1 Answer      

Latest 6 years ago



adding water turned HPT positive during time limit ?? help

I did a pregnancy test early morning but there wasn't enough urine the but enough to go all the way through. H ...

2 Answers      

Latest 6 years ago



please help solve me pregnancy test mystery !!

I had breast pain 2 weeks before I start my period , pelvic pulling and cramps .I took pregnancy tests. I usua ...

3 Answers      

Latest 6 years ago



Postive pregnancy test but negative blood test

I'm cycle day 37 I took an HPT that is pretty sensitive and a shadow like line came within time limit. couldn' ...

1 Answer      

Latest 6 years ago





ovulation test used as pregnancy test

before I got pregnant the first time I have read that a lot of women using their ovulation test as a pregnancy ...

3 Replies      

Latest 7 years ago



to all with irregular period or spotting questions, here is what happen to me?

I had problems with my period they were always messed up but I was shocked that my last cycle it came a week e ...

0 Answers      

Latest 7 years ago



7 days light spotting before period is due , cramps, tender breast , mild back pain , negative HPT

I usually get my period on cycle day 30 or more this cycle I started spotting on day 23 which is very unusual ...

1 Answer      

Latest 7 years ago



4 days sporting , closed soft cervix , breast pain, nausea, negative HPT? I'm

I'm on cycle day 32 now I started seeing streaks of red blood on my cervical mucus on day 28th and thought m ...

2 Answers      

Latest 7 years ago