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Posts by Babyguli


A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10




On Feb 17 I found out i was pregnant, when to do hcg and they were 439 at 12dpo. Do you think it's twins?? Had ...

2 Answers      

Latest 6 years ago



Am I pregnant??

I went to the ER two nights ago (Tuesday). I was having really bad stomach pain almost if I had the stomach bu ...

1 Answer      

Latest 7 years ago





Am I pregnant??

confused, I'm at 16 dpo my cycles are of 28 days , and I have tested on 10 dpo and yesterday 15dpo alll both w ...

2 Answers      

Latest 7 years ago



Am I pregnant ??

I am on 10dpo on a 28 day cycle. having creamy lotion like discharge only see it on my underwear, having hot f ...

0 Answers      

Latest 7 years ago


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