Replies by MiSueno16

Replies 1 - 10

Hi Ashlee! Unfortunately my period did come BUT I honestly think I had a chemical pregnancy and my HCG never got high enough to get a BFP. It took 10 days AFTER my period started for my symptoms to finally go away, so I'm fairly certain that's what happened to me because I know I didn't ovulate late. I'm on 1dpo of my next cycle so hoping to get a BFP this time around :)

I really hope that you get your BFP because when my period was late I read a ton of posts online of people who didn't get a BFP until they were a week late. They temped or did opks so they knew they didn't ovulate late, just had slow rising HCG! Best of luck to you!

8 years ago
Reply to Period late but got a negative!


The only thing you can do is take a test! If you're 4 days late, it should be 99% accurate at this point. Good luck!

8 years ago
Reply to im Late


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