Replies by hopefulbelly

Replies 1 - 10

It sounds like you're off to a great start!! I knew it was right around the corner. I took my trigger shot yesterday after my scan (2 17-18mm nice sized follicles). I've only had 1 decent sized follicle in my previous IUIs, so I'm hoping for a miracle tomorrow. Then onto the 2WW. Excited to have someone to countdown this cycle with! Thank you for the kind words! I'll be in touch.

10 years ago
Reply to IUI take 12. My first post. Looking for support


Hi Maureen,

Just checking in. Have you had your IUI yet? I know we're a few days apart. Checking to see how things went and how you're feeling. I go in for #3 tomorrow. Sending lots of baby dust your way!


10 years ago
Reply to IUI take 12. My first post. Looking for support



Hi 30something,

Hubby and I have been TTC for 23 months. We've been seeing an RE for 7 months. I'm 30 and hubby is 34. My situation is similar to yours being 'unexplained infertility'. We've both had testing (all with great numbers), lab work, HSG, cycles with Clomid, Fermara, ovidrel, injectables with no luck. Next week will be our third IUI with Follistm + ovidrel. My RE suggested IVF after my second one failed. Because he's so quick to suggest IVF, this will be my last cycle with him. It's time we get a second opinion since I want more answers and not a quick solution to my problem. I've also incorporated acupuncture this cycle. I know it's hard looking for others that understand what you're going through- I'm in the same boat. Just know you're not alone! I've heard positive things about Resolve Association if you'd like to explore support groups near your area. I'm considering looking into one as it's taking a toll on me emotionally as well. *Hugs* to you.

10 years ago
Reply to IUI take 12. My first post. Looking for support


Just wanted to say I feel your pain too. I go through good days and bad days. Today has been a tough one. It'll be 2 years for us TTC in June. I've been seeing an RE 6 months now. Wish I would've gone sooner. Hoping you find some comfort in knowing you're not alone! Hang in there, girly. Stay positive, and don't give up. In the end it'll all be worth it. Sending you hugs. xx

10 years ago
Reply to ttc 2 yrs


Wow, Jillybean- Our situation is so similar! I'm sorry your sister isn't offering you the support you need. I know how tough that can be when you're looking to lean on your family during this process. I go to my husband for support, since I feel no one close to me would be able to relate (and I'd rather be private about our journey). My FB is filled with baby pics, lots of newborns and first BDay parties. I feel joy then pain, then I feel guilty for feeling the pain. I've attended 3 baby showers last month and I'm hosting 2 for my sister this month. I had to leave one a little earlier, got into my car and burst into tears. When will it be our turn?! :( That said, I'm trying so hard to stay positive, pray and not be too fixated on being pregnant. I know it's hard when your life evolves around RE appointments, ultrasounds and fertility shots. I also was told not to get my heart rate up back in October, and working out is a big part of my life. This has been a tough journey! But I know in the end it will be worth it. Tomorrow DH and I go in for our second IUI. Then begins the 2WW all over again! :) I've also incorporated acupuncture this cycle. Today I'll be going to my 'pre-IUI' session. Thinking of you during this time and wishing you lots of baby dust!

Opalfoxy- hearing about your close friend's second IUIs is encouraging, thank you for sharing. Keep me updated on your second- wishing you lots of baby dust as well sweetie! xx

10 years ago
Reply to First IUI unsuccessful.. Trying to stay positive.


I'll be having my second IUI on Thursday. Trying to stay relaxed, positive and doing a lot of praying. I'd love to join the 2ww process with you guys. We've been TTC for 2 years. Sending y'all lots of baby dust! xx

10 years ago
Reply to Any iui 2ww buddies??


Thank you for your reply, Skelly! I've heard positive things about acupuncture, if you're looking for an alternative. I may look into both this next cycle. Thank you for your kind words, hugs and best wishes to you during this time. xx

10 years ago
Reply to First IUI unsuccessful.. Trying to stay positive.


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