Replies by quirkmomhopes

Replies 41 - 50

I fell out of it lately so I am going to attempt a long post... lets see how long my hand holds out for lol

Welcome to the new ladies!! This is an amazing place. To whomever asked, It is very hard to keep up and I think its normal to have a bit of depression over ttc here and there. I know what u mean with it seems like everyone is pregnant or thinks its easy. I have watched my best friend, my twin sister and my cousin get pregnant and 2 out of the 3 have babies since I started TTC. Like Emma said, this thread is what has kept me going and knowing I can vent and these ladies always understand!

Emma: hoping valentines is lucky for you!!!

bugttc: I have wanted to scream at people sooo much during TTC. Its amazing how much people dont know about trying for a baby. I have gone as far as deleting an old good friend from facebook because she wouldnt stop complaining about her pregnancy and how bad she just wanted it over with. Just remember that they dont know ur struggles and them being so quick to judge, dont deserve ur attention or energy!

MrsRogers: with my daughter, I wasnt trying and I didnt have any symptoms so I didnt realize I was pregnant until 13 weeks along. It happens at different times for different pregnancies... dont give up hope yet!

Joy it is frustrating! but yes we have worked our way around the cast and covered our bases this month!!! so heres hoping we both caught the egg!!

crn: I dont have long or irregular cycles so I am of no help, sorry.

Im sorry if I skipped anyone but my arm is starting to hurt so gotta stop typing!

Fingers crossed for everyone!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: We Need Some BFPs!!


typing without my right hand sucks so this is going to be short!

My cast came off at the appointment but it was only to check it and i ended up with a new one :(

Talles: congrats on ur BFP!!! wishing u a healthy 9 months!!!

Joy: Yay to cycle buddies...lets hope we get a pair of BFPs at the end of it!!

wishing everyone the best!!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: We Need Some BFPs!!



hello ladies,

just letting u know that Im still reading and keeping my fingers crossed for everyone...Its hard to type with my right arm and thumb in a cast :S I go tomorrow to see if I can have the cast of so Im hoping!!

Welcome to the new girls :D

Joy did ur DH get home?

AFM I ovulate tomorrow so lots of BDing.... hoping this is our month!!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: We Need Some BFPs!!


YAY for a lucky new thread!!

Im Jenn, Im 25 and so is hubby.
I have a 5 yr old DD from a previous relationship.
Been ttc for a year and a few months.

BYOB means bring your own baby!! and welcome to the thread

i cant type much I fractured my wrist today :(

Im currently on CD 6 waiting to O!!!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: We Need Some BFPs!!


Hello Ladies!

MrsRogers: I hope to hear u get ur BFP in the next couple weeks!!! I know what you mean... Its a hard balance trying to keep between making sure you have ur bases covered and theres something there to meet the egg and hoping you havent done it to much and they have had time to mature... Why does TTC have to be so difficult!!! lol

Emma: so sorry bout the witch but I think you are making great steps to better health and it will help... just takes time (cuz we all know us TTC woman have sooo much patience!!)

Joy: when does ur hubby get home?? Im hoping he gets home right in time to give this month a chance!!

Cris: good luck with the reports!! As a parent, I can tell you that I really appreciate report cards so I can see where I need to work more with my daughter! So atleast ur hard work isnt going to waste. It also sounds like your more proactive, heres hoping u get ur BFP this cycle!

Nicole: Fingers crossed u get the go ahead at your appointment to ttc!!!

AFM: Im on cycle day 5 just waiting to O!!! Praying that hubby isnt sick this month and we can make sure there is a chance at a baby!!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!


Mrs Rogers: I find my DH and I have the same problem... We started doing other things to try and make it interesting such as dress up, toys, different rooms, that sort of thing, might help to up the interest in scheduled BDing!!

Cris: Sorry Im no help with herbal stuff but good luck with whatever you do! I must say ur explanation does make sense but I hope u find a good fix asap!!

Aroma: congrats and good luck with ttc!!! u get ur BFP!!

Joy: I do the same thing with shopping for my future baby hehe... I agree it will happen one day and u will be prepared!! Im glad to hear AF isnt being horrible to u!!

We really need a BFP here!!! I was creeping on CMP and found Carolyn found out she was pregnant 109 days ago and she is now 19 weeks!!! Its hard to believe its been that long since we have had someone see that elusive second line!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!


Good morning ladies!

Joy: sorry about DH...I cant imagine, I go crazy when DH is gone for a weekend! Hopefully he will be back for O!!!

Nicole: you have a normal AF that goes away when she is supposed to!!!

Cris: I like to take a break from tracking my cycle every once in awhile so I dont go crazy! Hopefully it works for u!!

RJ: so sorry AF got u... for next cycle

Emma: you get ur BFP!!!

AFM: Just waiting for AF, DH had the flu so we didnt BD around O so there is no chance this cycle Im having a really hard time because I have a few pregnant friends and all they do is complain... they complain about morning sickness, complain they are getting to big, complain baby is in a bad spot...its driving me insane because all I want is to feel those things!!! Man some people just take being preggo for granted!!! Sorry for the rant...

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!


Hello Ladies!

Emma: hoping your life improvements bring you a wonderful baby!

Joy: the anticipation of hearing you are in the tww is killing me!! I can only imagine how you feel!

AFm: well I would have O either monday or tuesday but Hubby came down with a nasty flu and well we didnt bd at all :( so Im already out this month.... but it will be nice to relax I suppose

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!


Thanks girls for the birthday wishes! I too am praying on my next birthday I will have a baby in my arms or atleast in my belly!

Joy: Yay for getting closer to a month of possibly being able to TTC again! I sometimes look at the ctp page to see how girls who have graduated from here are doing.. .Cant believe how many babies are coming! I also noticed that I havent seen Carolyn on there lately.

Cris: Sorry the witch got you but yay for Paris!!!

Nicole: Im so sorry that there is still something left in there... but it seems you are on the right track if its getting better! your dr gives you some good news!

RJ: any more testing?

AFM: I should be ovulating today!!! YAY for the 2ww LOL

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!


Hello Ladies,

Joy: Im soo excited for next month when you get into that ntnp period! Im praying you get a sticky bean right away! you definately have been threw enough without needing a long drawn out ttc.

Dame: congrats on ur bfp! Ill pray for your sticky bean!!

aroma: Im also praying that you get ur bfp fast once your able to get back to ttc! I think having to wait to even try is the hardest thing :( You are definitely strong being able to wait so long and still have some hope!

RJ: please let us know what happens after you test!! im keeping my fingers crossed for your sticky bean!

Talles: so happy you had a good holidays! that you also get a quick bfp!

you women are saints! Im getting so down with all the ttc! I couldnt imagine having to wait months and dealing with the stuff some of you ladies have been threw! I really hope everyone gets a quick BFP soon!!

I think its because my birthday is tomorrow and its another birthday that Im not pregnant for but Im really feeling down. Im not even at ovulation yet so I cant even wish for a baby for my bday :( I do o in 4 days so hopefully there is a bit of birthday luck left then!

12 years ago
Reply to BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!
