Replies by tammy00000

Replies 21 - 30

Sounds like you have ovulated! I usually get EWCM 2-5 days prior to ovulation - so if the same applied to you, then perhaps you are not quite as many DPO as you think... I don't know though, because it is really different for everyone.

Some of your symptoms may be from stopping BC.

Perhaps you should go see your GP for a check up.

All the best honey - I hope it happens for you really quickly - baby dust to you!!!


12 years ago
Reply to TTC #1


Hi there, I highly recommend OPK's - have been using them for months and fell pregnant in July.

I am also quite in tune with my body and I believe using OPKs to test has helped with this.

You will need to use one every day from about Day 10 of your cycle onwards, because if you miss one day, you will never know if that day was the one when your LH surged.

3-5 days before ovulation, I also get EWCM and on the day of ovulating, I also get ovary pain.

I can't test in the afternoon - have always done my OPKs between 6PM & 9PM and have found them to work every time.

I'm always quite sure now when I am ovulating, though using OPKs further confirms the timing is right.

When I fell pregnant in July, I'd had a strong positive that evening. We BD'd twice and that night I had ovary pain. It was perfect timing. Sadly I miscarried at 8 weeks, however I know now that I can get pregnant and I feel more prepared for next time.

Hope this helps x

12 years ago
Reply to Ovulation user...your opinions?



Joy you are in my thoughts, i hope it's af visiting you too! When will you find out? It's such a test of patience isn't it? The whole process is testing! You are a very strong woman and I'm sure the doctor will give you some good news soon.
Tammy xxx

12 years ago
Reply to Miscarriage at 8 weeks


I'm really not sure as I've never been in your situation, however it sounds very confusing! Perhaps it is your body starting to regulate itself and perhaps over the next few weeks it will all settle down.
Wishing you all the best,

12 years ago
Reply to ewcm, vitex, spotting...???


Thank you so much, you beautiful ladies. It moved me so much to read your replies and I am really overwhelmed that people who don't even know me, care so much.
I have had many moments, while out at cafe's etc, gazing at pregnant women and women with babies, with a new appreciation of the different journeys every woman goes through.
I ovulated on Friday (9th) which I am so pleased about - obviously my cycles are going back to normal really quickly - I am counting down the days to AF. Never thought I'd be so excited about getting my period! We have decided to wait until after AF comes for the first time, just to give my body time to heal and I plan on being super healthy over the next 4 weeks in preparation.
If we are lucky enough to fall pregnant next month, I will then be roughly 5 weeks when we travel to Thailand at the end of October. What do you ladies think about that? If that is the case, we will just stay close to the resort - spend time at the resort and beach, no crazy adventures. Has anyone travelled overseas during early pregnancy?
How are you all going? Please keep me posted.
Thank you again xox

12 years ago
Reply to Miscarriage at 8 weeks
