Replies by Kristamarie32

Replies 21 - 30

@dakotagirl, I think so...can you see my chart? or click on mt profile and see it? Not sure how this works.

11 years ago
Reply to Charting, OPK and pregnancy?


Oh and I ALWAYS have its hard to tell which CM is the kind that I want, I know the slippery stretchy is what I'm looking for, but a lot of times its watery...sorry TMI!

11 years ago
Reply to Charting, OPK and pregnancy?



Thank you so much ladies. I just took another OPK and there is still a line, just not a true positive Line. I'm having ton of ovulation pain, like feels like the egg is trying to release..Anyway, I hope this is the cycle for the baby and that CD 12 and CD14 were the luck days ;)

P.S Im so annoyed I o'd on the 13th!!! Grrrrrrrr

11 years ago
Reply to Charting, OPK and pregnancy?


Even if my BBT chart is saying I o'd on the 13th? This is all so confusing to me! Ugh.

Just an FYI I had to make another account to you the BBT chart on here, hence the different name :)

11 years ago
Reply to Charting, OPK and pregnancy?
