Replies by tryingforads

Replies 11 - 20

Hi all!

Just wanted to let you know that I'm reading and lend my support! It's so hard to wait and wait and wait but hopefully it will happen for all of us soon.

I am 7dpo I think today. DH and I BDed a ton this month, since I'm not sure when I ovulate and my cycles can be very long. But over the holidays I haven't been able to indulge in the typical over-eating and sweets because I just have no appetite at all. I'm hoping it's a good sign because the loss of appetite is a definite different sign for me during the TWW.

Anyway, I heard that for lengthening luteal phase and also promoting ovulation to take vitamin D. Do you ladies do that? That might help you. It seems to have shortened my cycles from 46 to 39, so that's a whole week less!

Would love to keep in touch with you girls - keep me posted!

11 years ago
Reply to irregular cycles, 8 cycles in, help advice n support needed


You are definitely not alone! I keep thinking that I should be PG by now, but then I just remind myself that at best we only have a 20% chance of conceiving every month, and that's if we do EVERYTHING right. Patience is a virtue! I don't know which is worse though, the TWW or the wait for the TWW!

You know, I had a thought: maybe your cycles are irregular because of your career. Air travel really messes with my cycles - sometimes when I travel by plane I will skip a period altogether. Obviously that's not happening to you but it might be affecting whether or not you ovulate. Do you chart your temps? That will tel you whether or not you're ovulating. I hope I'm not scaring you - I'm sure everything is fine and tons of women fly and get PG all the time. But I know for me personally, air travel screws with my cycles and may even make me NOT ovulate for that month.

OMG, I just realized that DH and I are traveling by plane this month for Xmas, about a week before I should O. I hope I don't skip Oing this month!! Oh no!

Good luck and thanks for writing me back! I like to keep in touch with people.

11 years ago
Reply to irregular cycles, 8 cycles in, help advice n support needed



Hi there! Just wanted to wish you luck! It sounds like you are doing everything right. Your cycles are irregular, but not too irregular, which is a good thing.

I do have some advice for you:

1) Make sure you BD a lot. My cycles range from 25-46 days (makes me crazy), so every month we try to time BD as if my cycle will be as short as 25 days or as long as 46 - that helps to make sure we get the whole window. I know you said you're timing it right but just wanted to add my 2 cents. :) The more sex you have, the more likely there will be swimmers in there to fertilize when the time is right!

2) I axed drinking when I first started TTC too, but now I just drink in moderation. It helps me to not get too obsessive about the TWW because I'm not acting as if I'm already pregnant. Alcohol can't get to a developing fetus until after the placenta has formed, which won't happen until well after you've missed your period, so you should be able to enjoy the holidays without making yourself crazy or having to answer the questions about why you aren't drinking. Of course you should do what feels right to you, and I'm not saying "it's fine to drink when you're PG!" but I think in moderation during your TWW is totally fine.

There are lots of things to worry about when TTC and I've wondered too about if I've had a chemical pregnancy... we started TTC in May 2012 (same as you it sounds like!) and no luck so far. I'm just trying to keep focused on the fact that it can take perfectly healthy people a long time to get pregnant and that it will happen when it's time. It doesn't always work but I find that leading my normal life, while making healthy changes (like taking prenatals) to prep for pregnancy and BDing as much as possible, is helping to keep us sane. :)

It's hard - hang in there! Here's hoping we both get our BFPs before May 2013!!!

11 years ago
Reply to irregular cycles, 8 cycles in, help advice n support needed


Hi there! Just wanted to give you a little virtual hug! I'm sorry you've been feeling flat - you've had so much to deal with in your life already. Remember that it's very normal for it to take a long time to get pregnant - sometimes a year or more. I know that sucks but a positive attitude is important, not just for your chances of getting pregnant, but also for your mental health.

I struggled with eating disorders growing up as a dancer, but never as seriously as you I don't think. I'm sure you know that being underweight can stop your period. Put your health first - you have struggled hard to earn it and you deserve to be happy! The healthier you are, the easier it will be for you to get pregnant.

Good luck, I am saying a prayer for you!

11 years ago
Reply to Staying sane- mental health and TTC (depression, anxiety, eating disorders)


The timing is right for IB, but remember that IB actually isn't very common. I think HGC takes 2/3 days to build up in your system, so if you did have implantation today, you should test positive on Thursday or Friday. Good luck!

11 years ago
Reply to Implantation Bleeding or early AF?


Hi Mrs. and welcome to the thread! This thread hasn't been very active lately but I am still following it and would be happy to chat with you to help pass the time!

I am currently 9/10 DPO and excited to test, although I'm pretty sure DH and I didn't get our act together to BD at the right time this month. I know I shouldn't really be holding out hope but I am anyway. I read sperm can live up to 5 days in the uterus under the right conditions, so maaaaaybe we caught that egg if we're very lucky. (DH said, "I don't know, my sperm would have to be resilient like cockroaches!" Gross but it made me laugh!)

Anyway, you could have had a chemical pregnancy but you also could have just had a later period... who knows?? (And maybe it's better not to know!) It's impossible not to wonder but I do think it's better you guys are focusing on BDing for this cycle! :)

DH is going out of town for work for 2 weeks on Thanksgiving, so we won't get to spend the holiday together but he should get back just in time for us to try to catch the egg again (I have super long cycles - it's the worst!).

Anyway, there's my ramble! Welcome and I hope we can keep chatting!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


I just want to say good luck and good for you for taking change of your health and your fertility! I pray you will get the baby you are longing for soon. I wish I had some words of wisdom to offer, but just wanted to let you know that I read your post and I am wishing you best of luck!

11 years ago
Reply to Plus size and over 35- WELCOME


@Lynn - So sorry for your MC... I am sending you some hugs! Wish there was something to say to make it better but we are here for you!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


Sanders, good luck this month! You'll have to jump your DH the second he walks in the door! I definitely think you have enough time but I'm sure you'd feel better if you could BD a little earlier.

I kind of like this part of my cycle, even though it's ages till I O. I feel a lot calmer and more like myself. The TWW drives me crazy!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


Hi Sanders and everyone!

Sorry I didn't reply sooner Sanders - I didn't see your post.

I was BFNs this cycle too. :( Had some promising symptoms but AF showed up on time as well. I think I may have ovulated a couple of days sooner than I'd thought and if that's the case then we didn't time BDing well. Darn it!

My cycles are in the neighborhood of 46 days so I have to wait like a MONTH after AF begins before O. So we won't be on the same DPO this month I don't think but I am keeping you in my thoughts!

FX that October/November is the month for those of us who aren't PG yet! xoxo

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!
