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Ttc for November 2016 babies

DD born 05/20/2013 Angel Baby EDD- 12/25/2015 Born into heaven 04/27/2015

111 Replies • 8 years ago



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I missed out on the chance for an October baby! AF hasnt arrived since December 10th. My Doctor prescribed me provera to jumpstart my period. On day 5 today so hoping my cycle starts in a week. This cycle will be exciting for me as it will be my very first cycle on clomid! Any experienced clomid ladies...any tips would be greatly appreciated! All of this puts me at having a EDD of November if everything works out this time

DD born 05/20/2013 Angel Baby EDD- 12/25/2015 Born into heaven 04/27/2015

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi avaann25,

I too missed out on October babies. I'mon cd 4 now. I've been trying to conceive for more than a year. Hoping for a miracle to happen this cycle atleast. Trying to stay positive!!

I'm thinking on starting B6 vitamins this cycle. Not sure if it will have an effect on this cycle, but atleast it gives me a satisfaction that I tried something .

Lots of and to us!! Hope this is the cycle!!


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8 years ago

I missed out on a little pumpkin baby too... Sticky vibes and baby dust to all for November!

8 years ago

I'm out too. Have decided to NTNP this month. No temping, no Evening Primrose Oil, no OPKs. Trying not to look at my "ovulation dates". I know it's approaching but DP is away for a couple of days on a stag long weekend so not really expecting a BFP this month.

I'm preparing for a change in career so just trying to forget about actively TTC and focus on studying. We've decided that if I get pregnant during my studies then so be it. We will just stop worrying and deal with things as they happen.
to all those for 2016 babies

8 years ago

avaann25 have you started your clomid yet? I am on cd 3. I started taking it last night. I conceived my son in 2013 using clomid so hope it works again this time. Good luck! I hope it works for you too.

8 years ago

Hi Mrsk16, I have just been given Clomid to take, gutted as a bit worried about side affects but also excited that Ive been lucky enough to be given it, felt giddy and sick this morn so did a test, at 13dpo , still hoping dont arrive tom but if it does at least I have the Clomid to try from Monday :)
to all

8 years ago

Hey Pinkster! Aww I hope this is your month and you won't need the clomid. I am really nervous about clomid this time round and I shouldn't be. It was perfect when I conceived my son. I didn't notice any side effects and it worked first time.

8 years ago

Thats good to hear, thank you, lets hope it works again for you, well for us both -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Thanks for asking!.....I havent started the clomid yet because I haven't even gotten AF yet :( I finished provera several days ago and expected a period. I tested with Easy@Home pregnancy tests...and got two positives in the same day. Pink positives that showed up in the time frame. Next day more frer and clearblue BFN. Next day after that still NEGATIVE. So rollarcoaster of a week. Expected Af, got a "BFP" (BIG FALSE POSITIVE in this case), and lots of subsequent negatives and stilllllll no AF :( I just want and need to be on my next cycle already. I was so excited for the chance with clomid!

Hope so far all of your cycles have been treating you better than mine ;)

DD born 05/20/2013 Angel Baby EDD- 12/25/2015 Born into heaven 04/27/2015

8 years ago • Post starter

OMG avann25 I know wot you mean, was due sat/sun and still no show, want to get on with the clomid and getting 's and dont feel pregnant at all this month so frustrating grr, thank you MrsK -x-x-
& to all!

8 years ago

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