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Looking for a Cycle Buddy!!

Heyy ladies!! I am approximately 7-9 DPO.. You might as well say 8 DPO to meet in the middle. AF is due Friday. Is there anyone else who is on the same DPO and cycle? We don't want to be alone you know, lol..

41 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi Kendra

Im 10dpo today still quite new to these forums, but thought id give them a shot as i am driving my bf crazy with my tww ss!! So its kinda good to get talking to some ladies going through the same thing.

Have you been trying for a while??
This is my 4th month of ttc, im finding it extremely difficult to feel positive as i have absolutely NO pregnancy symptoms.

I see your going to poas friday!! Aghh fingers x'd its a BFP!! im not due af till Monday .. Dunno if i will last till then..

10 years ago

Hi Kendra and Claire

I'm also quite new at this site. I'm in my 2nd month of TTC and today I'm 10DPO. AF is due Sunday. I try not to test earlier, but as Claire says, it's tempting...

Honestly, I'm guess I'm not experiencing a lot of symptoms, although I tell myself that I am (stupid). I have e.g. a strange taste in my mouth, but that could be caused by many other things. And my backache is probably a consequence of lifting a shower (don't ask). And I always have had vivid dreams... So I find it hard not to give myself hope, because I don't know whether it's real or false hope... Luckily, I have a very down-to-earth husband, who helps me to keep things into perspective :-) Besides, I get the impression that some pregnant women just don't really get early symptoms at all and some non-pregnant women get tons of them :-) So I know I should not trust these things, but the ignorance is really hard to coop :-p

Best luck to you both!!!


10 years ago

Hi Alice!!

I did this last month, every little niggle I experienced made me assume it was pregnancy related, I spotted at 9dpo (which has NEVER happened before ever) then AF showed bang on time 5 days later :o(

So I do try and tell myself if i feel anything, chances are its progesterone in my body, & not that I am preg.

Do you have any kids already?
Im so ready to have a baby, and so is my bf, he is fantastic with his nephews,

I think i will wait 2 more cycles , then try get my bf to take a wee visit to his GP.
I have had bloods taken, so I have had ovulation confirmed ..Its so frustrating as we DTD at perfect time, but still BFN .

All the Best,


10 years ago

Hi Claire!

I can imagine your disappointment after all that signs last month... :-( I'm sorry to hear that AF showed up... Thanks for your good advice btw! I should really stop seeing all these 'symptoms', it is most likely not due to pregnancy :-)

I don't have any kids yet either, but since we are trying, I'm really looking forward to having one (probably just one though, cause I think that will be challenging enough for me ;-) )! My husband is also ready, especially since he's ten years older :-p Everywhere we go, he's like a child magnet, without even trying... :-p He gets their full attention, whether he wants to or not ;-)

I wouldn't worry too much, I've heard that, on average, most people only get a BFP after 7 cycles (!). But it can't do any harm to see a doctor, I guess. However, I do hope that it won't be necessary anymore by that time ;-) But I totally understand how you feel, once you've decided to go for it, you just want it to happen right away ;-) Too bad it doesn't work like that... But who knows, we might get lucky this month! ;-)

Best of luck!!!


10 years ago

Hi Kendra

Tomorrow is your D-day ;-) Any signs of AF yet? I hope not!!

Good luck!!


10 years ago


Not at all besides the cramping and sore nipples from AF.. The usual you know! I'm a BIG POAS addict lol, I've been testing since 5 or 6 DPO.. I had a veryyyyy faint line yesterday and this morning. AF is due tomorrow!! My husband and I just got married, April 11, and we want kids asap, lol!! We shall see.. Keeping my fingers crossed! And you?


AF is sooooo mean!! But never give up hope because things happen for a reason. We may not know why at that time but keep your head up and BD BD BD!!


10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Kendra

That sounds promising! I will also keep my fingers crossed for you!!

And congrats with your wedding btw!! ;-)


10 years ago

Hey Ladies!

How are you holding up?

I've redone the maths and turns out my AF is actually due tomorrow morning. However, I don't get my hopes up because I started spotting (brown mixed CM) yesterday, which usually happens 2 days before AF arrives... So I fear that I'm out for this round, although it could still be IB. But I really shouldn't hope for it, then the disappointment is easier to handle...

I've really underestimated the emotional impact of TTC. I'm usually a rational person :-p And I'm only in my 2nd month... I hope I will find a better way to deal with this :-) Respect for all you ladies out there!!! And good luck to all of you!!

All the best


10 years ago

Hey Alice.

So you and I are both due tomorrow, I will keep fingers crossed for both of us that AF doesnt show..
I caved and poas dpo10/11 got BFN :( i know it was still super early but i am always reading bout these girls who get bfp so early on.

I have just got that 'gut' feeling im out this month. But excited to start all over next month. I bought pre seed.. Think i may give that a bash.
Will try anything .

Have any you ladies poas yet??

Claire x

10 years ago

Hey Claire!

Thanks a lot, I wil definitely keep my fingers up for you too!!!
I also have a bad feeling about this round, especially the last few days. Yesterday, I told my husband that I was afraid AF was about to show up, and he said he could smell it, that my skin smelled differently (in my neck btw, before people start imagining weird things)...? I suppose that's not a good sign :-p

I'm sorry to hear about your BFN :-( I've also read some of those stories about women getting a BFP at 10DPO, but I think it's rather rare. So don't worry about that negative test, it doesn't really mean anything. But I understand it's depressing anyway... :-( Btw, I've also read that doctors recommend to test a WEEK after AF is due! Because the promised accuracy of the tests is over-estimated on the box. Pfff, that must be male doctors, I guess. No sane woman can wait that long :-p

I didn't take a test yet. I intend to wait two more days (because tomorrow is a bad time with work). If AF hasn't shown up by then (so that's 15DPO), I'll test. Which probably implies I won't be testing at all :-p

My cycles are pretty long btw (35 days), that's a bit frustrating, cause someone with a 28 days cycle has about 3 pregnancy opportunities more in a year than I :-p How long are yours usually?

I didn't hear of pre seed yet (I'm not that informed apparently :-) ), I hope it will help, in case this round is not the one!

Lots and lots of luck to you and I keep hoping for both of us!!!


10 years ago

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