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I Didn't Want a November Baby Anyways

Here we go ladies for another month together. We can do it!

December is where it's at for babies!

To start things off...

I'm 30 dh 28. Been trying for 7 months. Cd range 25-30 days. Hoping things get easier this month.

Question to start things off. Does anyone exercise regularly while TTC? I always feel like I'm scared to after mid cycle like it will cause things to not work out. Anyone been through this?

Wishing everyone a happy weekend.

44 Replies • 13 years ago



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CD 2,....YAY! My name is Kelly (can I say that)? I'm 40 and hubby is 38. TTC #5 to the shock and horror of most family and friends. The kids are behind it though big time. 7th month trying with miscarriage at 8 weeks in December 2010. No HB in ultrasound. :( I keep his picture as my avatar here and have hope he will come back someday.

I don't exercise either, or have sex (after ovulation). Paranoid after miscarriage.

Who else is in for a December baby?

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13 years ago

Hi ladies,

CD 1 for me. I'm 38, and my DH is 37. We have been trying to conceive #1 for 22 months. Last cycle was my first cycle of clomid. My cycles are 28-30 days. Hopefully this will be our month. I know its beginning to feel a chore to my dh doing the bd.

for everyone, hopefully we will get our Christmas baby!

13 years ago

Yippee!! Here we go again!

I am 27, Hubby is 31. We are TTC #1. Went of BC last March, last month was first month on Comid.

I am CD3 today. I am going to try CBFM this month as well. Not really sure how Clomid reacts with that, but it can't hurt my chances!

Ya I am worried about exercise after ovulation during the 2 week wait, but I am sure it is fine.

I am so happy go through this all with you ladies!!!

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13 years ago

I hope you guys don't mind me joining because I am still in the running for a November baby (kinda, if I get a bfp this cycle the due date will be November 30) but I saw the comment about exercise.

I am paranoid to exercise at all! I have trouble maintaining a healthy weight and since I already don't ovulate on my own, I'm afraid that if I exercise and lose weight that I won't ovulate even with clomid. Needless to say that during the tww I won't do anything. My friends and family don't know I'm ttc and they keep asking me to go to the gym with them and I'm running out of excuses! Then I was helping to host a charity dinner last cycle and during the tww I was paranoid to even help my colleagues move tables. They probably thought I was super lazy!!!

I am a belly dancer and I am trying to do some of that because it is actually good for abdominals and child birth, but I do it lightly- not enough to get my heart rate up or make my muscles sore, but just enough to keep my core strong.

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13 years ago

hi guys i hope you don't ind e chiming in. so im 11dpo today and i had cramping on 8 and 9 dpo with a horrendous back ache. nothing now just super sore nipples and a slight headache. im going to poas toorrow morning but im pretty sure it will be a bfp. weird as i have been ttcing for 17 months. the funny thing is is i have a f.s. app tomorrow afternoon. im scared to poas but i just want to tell you not to give up. i got lazy and stopped taking my prenantals and b complex 2 weeks ago and the only thing i did different is bd on day 10 and 11 and put my feet up on the back of the couch after lol hubby has thick viscosity of semen so i thought i could give the swimmers a helping hand to get to my egg. i wish you all luck and will let you guys know toorrow morning

13 years ago

Aromatherapy- I am so glad to read that coming from you!!!! I know you have been having a tough time recently. I will pray really hard for you tonight and that you get your bfp!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please let us know how it goes tomorrow!!!

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13 years ago

thanks pookerdooks. im scared as hell that this is real. why is it when you want something soo bad it never happens and then when you get it you don't want it, and im not saying i don't want it im just really scared botu how im going to do this finacially eotionally and all that...

13 years ago

Glad it's not just feeling timid to do anything physical during 2 ww.

Last 3 days have been hard. I have a lot of baby showers and due dates for my friends coming up. Feeling a mix of emotions with it all.

Trying to also think of things to keep my mind off of the process. Was thinking of putting positive notes in a jar to be picked out each day during the month. Or maybe thinking of an activity to do each day like exercise, learn something new, draw as just some ideas.

Really appreciate reading everyone's posts. Hope everyone enjoys the last hours of the weekend!

13 years ago • Post starter

Hello girls!! MY name is Jessica i am 29 dh is 34 we have been ttc for(hold ur breath) 2 1/2 LONG years!! All together we have been ttc for 7yrs with 4 m/cs in the first whole ttc story/history is on my homepage.. anyways just really liked your af thread so i followed yall here:) af is due for me today(sun) or tomm(mon) im pretty sure shes on here way im having the usual cramping and just feeling like shes coming:( anyways i will def keep u posted if she does or doesnt show!!! thanks for making this thread!!! i hope to get to know all of you girls:)

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13 years ago

Jesicalynn - Did AF show her face? I hope not. But if she did, please keep chatting on here. Everyone is so great!!!

Aromatherapy - Good luck!!! You will be awesome. Enjoy it!!!

Lovehopeandhugs - I am with you love! This is a very tough rollarcoaster. So glad for everyone on here. I was crushed when AF arrived on Friday but I took the weekend, regrouped and am excited for the next cycle. Sending a BIG hug!

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13 years ago

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