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1 DPO just starting TWW anyone wanna join in

Ive just started my TWW for the 18th time, I am 1 DPO, I bought a Fertility Monitor last month and was surprised to learn that I ovulated on CD 11, I always thought I O'd on day 15 or 16 so here's hoping we got it right this time. Did the on cd 8,9,10 and 11 (and most likely tonight cd12 ) I have high hopes for this month so this TWW is going to be sooooo hard and Ill probably make it harder on myself because Ill be analysing every little niggle and twinge I need someone to keep me sane.....

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77 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'll join you wbsb!
I believe I O'd on cd26, making me 2dpo. At least hat's what the dotted line says based on my OPKs. If that's the case, I think our BD timing was great And now we wait.
I'm an analyst by trade (though I work on computer programs), so I'm right there wondering if I should chart every little thing my body does/doesn't do... The life of a TTC-er! At least there's no HPTs in the house so I could analyze myself (more) crazy! HAHA!

to you and all the ladies out there!

*~Krystal~* *Aug 2003 - diagnosed w/PCOS *May 2010 - TTC #1 *Oct 16, 2010 - m/c @ 6 weeks

11 years ago

Grrrr! My incesent button pushing because the internet doesn't move fast enough for me has made me into a repeater.

Rather than make you read again, I will edit, so you can share in a giggle at my expense!

*~Krystal~* *Aug 2003 - diagnosed w/PCOS *May 2010 - TTC #1 *Oct 16, 2010 - m/c @ 6 weeks

11 years ago

I will join. :) I ovulated on sept 7. ttc on sept 4,2,aug 31st and today. we're ttc #3 and our last. I am very impatient and do not want to wait the 2 weeks lol. are any of you going to get a blood test? lots of sticky baby dust!!!

11 years ago

Agreed twisted, waiting sucks! I feel like I live in 2 week increments and phantom symptoms
No blood test for me...I did pick up a quickie test at the store today..............just in case

Here's for a September

*~Krystal~* *Aug 2003 - diagnosed w/PCOS *May 2010 - TTC #1 *Oct 16, 2010 - m/c @ 6 weeks

11 years ago

Thanks for joining girls. No blood test for me either I have ordered some cheapy hpts online cause I know I'll use lots Im not able for this tww it really does suck. I have some back ache today but it's only 3dpo so even though the sensible part of my brain is saying "don't be ridicous it's too early" the rest of me is "maybe maybe maybe" To u all

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11 years ago • Post starter

What are your symptims so far? I have super cramps and boobs are huge and tender lol.lalalala 12 more days to go ladies!

11 years ago

Twiistedstar86 So far my symptoms are cramps, a little pressure now an again in cervix, sore boobs (not too sore) and backache. Im 4 DPO now, think I have 14 days to go. Ur symptoms look good

Just wondering does anyone know the answer to this. They say exercise is great during pregnancy and I have always exercise, Used to run too but haven't in a good while and now I recently started running again (well jogging lol) Am I ok to continue with this for now until I find out whether I have conceived this time around.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hi gals,
I have a tendancy to think everything is a symptom :) But this month so far, it's much of the same with the sre BBs/nipples, twinges/pressure in lower abdomen and back pain (which is an everyday for me, but a little worse today).
I was also nausous and had a couple of hot flashes on Saturday, but I missed lunch and it was almost 90 degress here, so....
Also some not so normal things:
dry mouth, thirsty (not so much at night)
which leads to frequent trips to the bathroom
some bleeding gums when brushing
wanted some of DHs dark chocolate bar, and ate one to myself yesterday (not normally a chocolate lover, only the occasional Almond Joy/Reese's Cup)

So, I feel pretty all over the place. I'm doing my best to wait until the 20th to POAS I do have a Dr appt on Friday, and will be mentioning what I hope is going on in there

When are you going to test?
& everyone!

*~Krystal~* *Aug 2003 - diagnosed w/PCOS *May 2010 - TTC #1 *Oct 16, 2010 - m/c @ 6 weeks

11 years ago

Hi ladies, I would like to join you here. I am 2 dpo but I almost know 100% that I am out because the cramping started in the day after ovulation and hasn't let up yet and usually won't till AF starts again. I posted a question about this a little bit ago because I am wondering what in the heck causes me to start menstrual cramps two weeks before af is due. It really gets me down in the dumps because it's like the first sign that lets me know I am out already. I know that I have read where some women do get a bfp when they also cramped for 2 weeks but from everything I read, it seems very rare. Anyway, I am joining here just in case. I obsess over every little sign and I also start poas at around 10 dpo so here we go in the 2 ww. Good luck ladies.


11 years ago

Welcome paradisein2011 Try not to read to much into the cramping, I have them this month too from just after O. I am 4dpo now so fingers x for all of us.

Froggyfan8 I know what you mean, I am sooo bad for examining every little symptom. This month my CM is different after O and I have cramps, backache and sore BBs. Im really hoping these are good signs and not just O symptoms hanging around.

It just a waiting game now....

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11 years ago • Post starter

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