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AF Due 12th Sept Anyone else?

Hay Laides,

So this is like my 20th month TTC and my AF is due on 12th Sept I don't hold out any hope for me this month but wondered if anyone else had symptoms and is due around the same time as me.

I am obsessed with hearing symptoms...

I have lost track of my DPO simply because I was convinced I O-ed a week early... if I did that mean AF should be a week early from what I understand and I don't think she is going to be arriving this week so I think we missed the big O from being away on business unfortunately.

I have been extremely sleepy this last week but I have been working hard so its hard to know whats the cause of what...

has anyone else got any secret hope and symptoms?

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41 Replies • 11 years ago



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My AF is due on the 12th. My symptoms are nausea, cramps, creamy cm, achy legs, pregnancy dreams, and headaches. I plan to test this Friday.

11 years ago

That sound exciting... How long have you been TTC for?

Have you had these symptoms before?

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11 years ago • Post starter

My cycles have varied between 28-36 days since going off the pill in March. This cycle I used a CBEFertility Monitor and it detected ovulation last Friday/cd22, so I think my period is due the 12th. My luteal phase is usually 12 days long. I have no symptoms, but the month I was pregnant (miscarried) I didn't experience them until implantation at 10dpo. I'm crossing my fingers that this month is it, but I think our timing was off. We bd'd on cd18 and cd20, but that's it. My husband got performance anxiety on cd22.... ugh. for us... to you ladies.

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

11 years ago

Mine is due Sept 10th give or take a day or two. I have been experiencing symptoms for a few days now...including cramping.twithces, very tired, sore bbs, back aches and tops of things sore. I hope this is a good month for all

4-15-09 delivered my miracle Chace 2011 conceived twins but lost one at 10 weeks and the other at 15 weeks 8-12 started femera and did bb iui

11 years ago

Im due for the WITCH on Sept. 12th also.. But I have very high doubts shes going to come! I've been ttc for 2 years and I believe this is my month! My symptoms are.. Very sore BB's with stabbing pains (Since 2dpo), Very bad mood swings, pinching & pulling in my lower stomach, big INCREASE in body temp since 5,6, and 7 DPO (normally 97.4ish, but has been at a hold at 98.5. Went down to 97.4 this morning but when back up again!), very sore muscles, terrible headaches, and i'll go from being freezing cold to sweat dripping off my head, EXTREMELY tired, aches in my legs, back and side pains, and very horrible metallic taste in my mouth (even worse when I eat or drink) GROSS!... Im really hoping and praying this is my month! This will be my first child, and these are symptoms that i've never had before! Wish me luck and baby dust to all of us!! :)

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TTC 2 Years. Hoping !!

11 years ago

I'm due for the 10th I'm nervous we want this so bad. I had my tubes reversed on June 12 so now it's in Gods timing good luck ladies

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11 years ago

Aw everyone sounds like they have good symptoms!

Pink Bride - When I came off the pill in 09 I had the same thing it was a little all over the place but I have sort of settle on 33-36 days now.. most of the time I am 34 but there are always a few exceptions. its so frustrating because we have given up on the exact timing of ovulation it was becoming more of an appointment and after nearly 2 years of that its just not fun anymore, anyway sometimes I think we fell on the O day and then AF decides to turn up a few days late or early!!

Tannerbella - do you normally have these symptoms before AF or not? If not fingers crossed... My bbs are probably less sore than normal this week! Have you been TTC for long? and do you monitor your O and temps etc or just go with the flow?

ttc_mum2be - your symptoms sound unbelievably promising :-) you must let us know!! have you done anything differently this month to others?

I had my blood tested on Monday to check my hormones after ovulation and make sure everything is as it should be... Should get the results today and then back to the doctors for more tests... I guess this way at least we will know...

I have been unbelievably sleepy this last week or so especially since Saturday but I don't know whether its work, hormones or pregnancy... feeling more alive today which is annoying! Looking through my pink pad we managed to BD every 3rd day since the 17th but we didn't BD on O so like I said I think I am out!

Ladies I wish you the best of luck and please let me know how you get on wont you and any new symptoms!!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Butterfly- I know what you mean about giving up on Ovulation's exact date. I really try to "motivate", (without pressure) my dh to bd every other day during o week... but usually it only ends up being 3 times during o week. The month I miscarried we only bd'd twice during the fertile time. That means we still have hope.

I had a temp spike this morning from 97.18 to 97.58, in the weeks prior to ovulation I was hovering between 96.4-96.8. Does anyone know if this means anything?

Last night I felt quite a bit of nausea, which subsided once I ate dinner. I think my appetite has increased so much the "empty" feeling makes me nauseas. Anyone else get this?

**TMI ALERT*** I've had a lot of white clumpy cm, but I can't recall if this has happened before or if this is significant. Anyone know?

BTW- today I am at 5dpo. I'm not sure if these are pregnancy symptoms or just AF symptoms, so many months I thought I was "in" only to find out I was "out" with the arrival of .

How are the rest of you ladies?

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

11 years ago

I should be due on around the 8th. I had been having cramping almost all day for about 10 days then subsided at the weekend a little. My nipples have been a bit sore but seem okay now. Been bloated and quite tired recently but dont know if that is down to hormones or just general tiredness from work and early starts. Have had a couple of days where I've been really flushed with heat, headaches and just feeling really hungry all the time.

Its so annoying, I get all these funny twinges, cramps etc but then seem to disappear!! I dont track my O as we have only been ttc for a couple months and dont want to put any pressure on us, though have been BD every other day since AF finished. I was on the pill for 12 years without a break so cant remember what my periods or anything was like beforehand!!

Would like it to be our month this month but wont beat myself up about it if AF arrives. I do remember the last couple of months that for about 4 days before she arrived, I was having brown discharge which I havent had so far this month (though saying that I could;ve jinxed it!!)

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11 years ago

Pinkbride2011- I have been doing the same... its funny how we say we are not going to monitor it or make it a routine.... it is still so for us ladies I doubt anyone actually doesn't think about and then try to motivate the DH! :-)

I have no idea what the temp spike means... argh fingers crossed for you.. I am yet to take my temps as my routine is so all over the place I am never up at around the same time and I would just become obsessed with that also!

The empty and eat more situation I normally have after the big O but if you don't normally get it then it could be a sign... :-)

Most months I have a new symptom and I think I am in and then I am not and then that symptom happens every month so its not just a new post O symptom! so annoying... I had no idea when I O-ed before TTC and no changes in my habits or sleepiness

With regards to your TMI bit... I have had this a couple of times... I don't know what it means but it has always been after exercising hard or being super hot!

Tumbleflumps- Wow the 8th is just 2 days from now!! fingers crossed no AF.
Your symptoms seem like the typical symptoms too! It is so frustrating but BD-ing every other day puts you in good odds :-)
monitoring your O is a slippery slope to long and drawn out TWW your best off just BD-ing regularly.

So I had my blood tests for my estrogen and progesterone and all is normal... I did ask if there is any chance I could be pregnant this month or would the bloods have shown that and apparently they wouldn't have so who knows.... I am pretty sure I am out but hay until AF comes its not over I suppose!

My symptoms; Extreme sleepiness... normally up at 530/6 now cant get out of bed until 9 ish...
Boobs are not as sore as they normally they are a lot bigger and feel heavy but not sore
cant train - normally I gym everyday but haven't been for about 1.5weeks.
bloated stomach

Hows everyone else feeling today??

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11 years ago • Post starter

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