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Baby On Board!

We did the embryo transfer, and everything went perfectly. I'll give the whole story later today. :))))

UPDATE: Ok so we got up this morning and got ready to go. We were supposed to be there at 10:30 and we live a little over an hour away. I was supposed to drink two bottles of water before I got there, and I couldn't use the restroom after 10 because they want a full bladder, so of course I missed that window. By the time we got to the surgery center I didn't care what they said, I had to GO! I drank another bottle of water and we went into the waiting room. We sat in there for about 20 minutes when they called us back. I was relieved because I was starting to need to go again lol. We were taken to the dressing room and given our gowns. Chad was given a paper jumper to wear but he was too tall and couldn't get it over his shoulders, so he had to wear a regular gown lol. We waited there for about another hour. I heard them saying they were about 30 minutes behind because our normal doctor was on vacation. I couldn't wait anymore, so I told her I had to go now! She said I could "take a little off the top". I could go for 3 seconds and stop. I thought it was crazy, but it did relive some pressure.

The doctor finally came in and we saw the picture of our embie! (picture on my page) I teared up and was really excited. They said it had expanded from being frozen very well and looked healthy. We went in and got all situated on the table and stirrups. When she put the ultrasound wand on my stomach she said oh wow, your bladder is REALLY full. I just laughed and said yeah, I know! He came in, turned on some 80's music and got started. It was really cool because they explained everything on the ultrasound machine as we went and pointed everything out. We even saw when the embryo came out of the catheter and into my uterus. It was really amazing!

After that, it all went pretty quickly. I laid in recovery for a little bit, but I had to go so bad that I got dressed and they showed me the restroom. When we left, Chad asked me where I wanted to go for lunch and I said, I think the baby wants sushi lol. We both laughed and he made me lay my seat all the way back for the hour drive back to our side of town. I'm home now, laying on the couch, where I'll be for the next two days. I'm on strict bedrest until Friday. It's going to be tough and boring, but if it helps the embie snuggle in, I'll definitely do it.

I guess we'll be testing early next week some time. My official beta is June 14, but I cant wait that long. We feel very peaceful and happy about this. I have a pretty good feeling. I don't want to set myself up for disappointment, but I just feel like it'll work. It's been a crazy and hard road, but we're at the end now, and I think the hardest part is over. As long as we get those two pink lines, I don't care what else we have to do!

Thank you ladies for the well wishes and support! It's all appreciated so much! I'll definitely keep you all updated on things to come!

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33 Comments • 7 years ago



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7 years ago

Yay!!! How amazing I've been thinking of you all morning!

<img src=

7 years ago

Very excited to read the follow-ups!

7 years ago

So exciting! Can't wait to hear more!

7 years ago

Yay!!!! Can't wait to hear more!

7 years ago

Cheers, FX for a sticky beanie!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

7 years ago

Renae I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear your news :)

7 years ago

Such exciting news! Hoping for a healthy implantation and for everything to fall into place :)

7 years ago

So exciting! I transfer on Friday :) I wish you the best!

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7 years ago

Waiting patiently for the next update. I have everything crossed for you x

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

7 years ago

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