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Another 2ww and waiting for fertiltiy appointment

I am in the middle of another 2ww.. ugh. I am not 100% confident on when I actually O'd this go round... I track on a couple different apps and this is the first time in 16 months of charting they haven't matched. Knowing my body and my O symptoms and feelings, I think I O'd at CD16 (Feb 11) which puts me at 6dpo today but the chart on this program drew my coverline really high and put me at O at CD19 (Feb 14) so 3dpo. Either way I think we are covered as we BD every other day through the 14th so what will be will be at this point. I finally got our lab requisitions from the fertility clinic yesterday for CD3 testing and an HSG for me (yay) and a SA and some blood work for Hubby. Our appointment is in march so I'm relieved that we will be able to have all the testing done before we go so that we can maybe get some answers while at the appointment instead of just starting all the testing then. I keep thinking in my head that maybe, just maybe, we will have a baby by end of 2016! I still have 3 more "chances" that would put my due date in 2016 - such a crazy person that I have tracked that *sigh* I also have this weird "murphy's law" feeling that this cycle may just be THE ONE and that we will get our BFP a couple weeks before our appointment since that seems to be how my life goes! HA! A girl can dream right? The other weird thing about this go round is that my boobs have not hurt AT ALL... usually they feel like bags of cement from 1dpo all the way to AF and nothing so far. I also had another temp spike which I normally don't have in the LP (I normally have a dip around 8dpo and then back up for a couple days before a drop the day before AF arrives) and if I am actually at 6dpo I find the timing interesting. Who knows, I'm probably just reading into things because I finally feel like there may be a flicker of light at the end of this tunnel.

0 Comments • 8 years ago



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