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My body is a temple!

(Insert soft violin music) Ever sit and wonder...what *does* a Big...Fat...Fucking...Positive BBT chart look like? I know I have...well, go to my page and take a peek at that sexy piece of quadraphasic go to someone else's page, becuz that's not it! Lol! Temp dropped like a mofo (98.34F)! I knew it...this wont happen with something as silly as *just* soy...oh no-no, I have to drag out the big guns. big guns!

My body is a temple...and I would like a fucking refund!

Best of luck, ladies!! =))

25 Comments • 9 years ago



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Haha, I love reading your journals.

9 years ago

I have to agree with Adiggs, your JE always put a smile on my face. :)

Sorry about the temp drop hun.

9 years ago

This has made me smile today thank you! but sorry your temp dropped :(

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

Sorry about the temp drop =(.
I, the pill pusher, know it's really a pain/tiring/expensive, but I vote for dragging out the big guns!! xx

9 years ago

Thanks, girls! It's all I know my thermometer works lmao! Ooooh and I can finally switch to the thick duvet!! *happy dance*

Eat, u are an enabler...and I am enableable (totally not a word)! I already have the stuff, so cost isn't an issue, I just dread the bloating after O. If it was pain-free, I'd eat the stuff like Pez. I'm gonna try a lighter version of the winning combo last year. My ovaries seem to be a bit more sensitive to stims so I dont wanna blow one up...yet! ;D

9 years ago • Post starter

I just love you. Sorry about the temp drop. Go get the big guns. We will be cheering you on.

9 years ago

bahhhh... I totally thought this was going to say you got your BFP.. :( BOOOOO. Maybe you've already mentioned this in a previous JE and I missed it, but how do you get these drugs without a script from a doctor??

<a href=

9 years ago

Ok, as part of my 12 steps....I'm an enabler...but it's not my fault! Others on here taht were 35+ kept getting a bfp while I was only doing my "it'll happen, just stick to fish oil, prenatals & folate" I had to go to the big guns, too =).
I swear when I saw your chart you were going to get a bfp this month.

9 years ago

Holy Crap I love your JEs! Sorry for the temp drop. :( Get the big guns and we'll be here with bells on to cheer you on! :)

9 years ago

U just had to mention pez....mmmmm...and walmart is out...:(

Go for the big guns! I'll be rooting u on!

9 years ago

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