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Closure.... X New Beginnings! :D

We.met with our consultant yesterday (08/03/13) and he said that my FSH levels are very high - 14.2 which is not good news. FSH levels have to be nice and low - they regulate ovulation. Although I have "young and active ovaries", ovulation is probably not occurring because my levels are so high (which I am very confused about because my charts indicate that I do ovulate each month)??? :0.

He now says that IVF is only an option if we fund it, and it will not be an option at all if my FSH levels reach 15 - which they are likely to do in the next2/3 months . So, if we go ahead and fund an IVF cycle within the next few months - it will cost us �?�£6,000 and we will only have a 12% chance of success. At the moment we are thinking that this is far too greater risk as the odds are stacked too high against us.

So.........we have asked to try Clomid for 3 months, which leaves us with a mere 5% chance of getting pregnant - but even them, he has said that it will most likely end in a m/c. He has given me progesterone suppliments to take the moment I fall pregnant (if I do)....but we are very aware that the likelihood of us becoming parents is very low - we both cant stop crying today, it is such a shock for us, as before, they said that all of our tests were normal, but this time - I had all the tests done on the correct cycle days. Our consultant has even discharged us from his care now as there is no more he can do - he doesn't even recommend us seeing him privately :( - things must be bad if he doesn't want to take our money :(

But - on a positive, we will stay on clomid for as long as we are allowed to, stop charting and focus less on babies and more on other fun stuff - and to NEVER give up hope because 5% is still a chance. I still believe that we will be parents - even if it takes us longer than we planned, and I know that it could mean more losses, but we have to keep trying.

So, as I am not charting anymore - I am not going to log on here anymore, unless I need some wisdom! :D I would like to thank all of my TTC buddies for all of their help and support over the past 9 months and wish you all lots of baby dust xx

10.03.13 - Change of heart..... I have been out today and brought wheatgrass juice, Omega 3,6,9 with fish & flaxseed oils and royal jelly....I am determined to decrease my FSH levels (even though the clomid will increase them for the few months I am on it - 1st cycle next month) - but, I guess the clomid (100mg) will also increase my chances of being a mum - swings and roundabouts! I am also going to see my GP to ask to be referred for fibroid removal - which may take 3/4 months but may even just slightly help :D

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