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CD 21/ Day 20 FertiliTea/ 10 DPO Preseed

Yesterday satan was alive and at work on DH and I. Got into a small argument over love making and timing. Not that we are trying to tirme it but it's been working out like he falls asleep when I'm all reved up to go and when I'm falling asleep he wakes up and wants me to be all awake. So in the morning our discussion turned to an argument and I went for a walk with the dogs. When I got back he was cleaning the house (which was a pleasant surprise). We stay pretty much silent until I put a movie on then he asked if I was hungry and told me he wanted to take me to eat somewhere. Sidenote my husband is not a fan of raw fish no matter what you call it but decided he wanted to try sushi yesterday.

On the way there I started thinking about my discharge and how I'm not seeing alot; thinking about if he thinks I'm "dry" because I'm not turned on; thinking about trying Fertile CM and Preseed. And I decided to ask him if he ever has thought about or wanted to ask me to use lubricant. Ot was cute to see him smile and blush when I asked. We had some deep conversation then agreed to get the Preseed then changed our mind because of the money.

After we ate DH wasn't "satisfied" lol had to get his sweet fix in so we went to CVS. I'm walking past the isle with condoms and all that and I turn around and he's gone so I go back and he asks me.. It would be in this aisle right? I started laughing and was like "What?!" He said "The Preseed!" It was so cute he got it for us anyway! So we tried it when we got home and DH's review straight from his mouth was "It feels just like YOU!" hahaha And I could tell he liked it! lol It was quite slippery! hahaha

As far as drinking the FertiliTea, it's still going well. I can tell the days I don't drink it in the morning (because of Cali's recent heat wave) that I have less energy. I've noticed I don't crave Starbucks or coffee anymore and my headaches I get sometimes but they don't last very long. I've also noticed that I've been going to the restroom alot more. When I get paid on Wednesday I can haopefully get the Fertile CM or Fertile Detox. Not sure which one I want to try most but I'm going to try one!

Fortunately, I haven't been too obsessed with noticing things with my body but I do feel pushing and pulling by my bellybutton and I've been wanting to fall asleep at work and taking naps when I'm home during the day. But I'm not anxious or feel rushed to find out of I am pregnant or not. Letting the Lord work in my life however He see necessary and loving life this way! Funny that I've noticed less women on this site talk to me or comment on my posts now that I'm not obsessing over every little thing. HAHA!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

9 Comments • 11 years ago



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1 - 9 of 9 Comments

hello there!! im glad you're doing well. Let me know on the results once you test!!

11 years ago

Mooneybaby I Love your entries you have so much faith and it is really inspiring me and such an example. I HOPE HOPE have your beautiful baby this cycle, I can't wait to know. Best wishes, prayers rand baby dust!!

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11 years ago

Hey there! I'm glad to see you so cheerfull and godwilling, you'll get your bfp soon.I love your determination as I'm now at 9mths ttc ,I'm slowly losing mine but you honestly motivate me with your words..THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart I truely wish you get your bfp soon because this wait is unbareable and I wish noone had to go through this.Lots of luck,baby dust and keep your chin up <3

11 years ago

Hey Mooney!! I just have to say you and your hubby are TOO CUTE with each other!! :) I've never met you, but just how you describe your interactions with one another, I can tell God has blessed you both with each other.. You might not see me on here as much as before (TRYING not to obsess) but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You WILL be blessed in His perfect timing!! :o)

11 years ago

@marich227 I'm glad to see your posting again! Hope all is well with you! And I will def let you know! haha
@babiessoon thank you so much! I live to inspire people by showing how Christ turned a horrible sinner into a blessing and a mother. Thank you for the baby dust! I even asked our dog Nala for some yesterday since she got prego so quick hahaha
@Maria2 Long time no talk! How are you!? I know the waiting is hard and gets harder with more time that passes but the Lord is always with you and blessing you never forget that! His time always seems like forever but in reality it comes when we need it the most!
@MsCocaCola hehe thank u so much! We try to be lighthearted about things that are not life threatening because life is too short! I've been doing the same! Most times I just browse but don't comment. I'm trying to obsess less too!
I'm praying for all your BFPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago • Post starter

I love you entries! :) I can't wait to read the entry telling the story of when you got your BFP (hopefully soon soon!!!!!!).

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11 years ago

I'm praying for you to get a BFP soon. Please pray for me and my hubby. My husband and I are trying for a baby so I had to stop taking my medicine for MS. that led to my MS acting up so now I am praying my right leg will be restored to full strength. I am also praying for a quick conception so I can feel better. MS many times goes into remission during pregnancy.

11 years ago

@Wishinforapeanut Aww thank you! I can't wait to share it with all you wonderful ladies!
@Treeshalee83 Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. Sometimes receiving blessings forces us to give up confortability in some portion of our lives. I know that through this trying time the Lord will make you strong and He will complete you. I will most definitely pray for healing and comfort for you and your husband. Hold strong in your faith and love for the Lord and He will repay you!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago • Post starter

Hello, I've never read your TTC and I gotta say its beautiful to see you recognize conceiving a child is a Gods miracle, and only He knows when its the right time.
I was diagnosed with an ovaryan cyst too, but was never confirmed due to we didn't have the $ for the ultrasound and we don't have insurance.
So now I just live with the faith that God will make me fertile if having a child is in his plan for me. He knows we have no resourses for fertility treatments and He also knows I want a baby more than anything in the world.
I would appreciate if you read my most recent journal entry and comment on it. I don't know if what I'm going thru right now is due to my so called "cyst" or something else.... Any comments will be very appreciated.

Baby dust and God bless :)

11 years ago

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