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21 days late AF - Email Blessing!

So my ultrasound is tomorrow and I'm SOO happy to say that there is NO sign of AF near! I want to be happy but after the doctors and nurses writing me off as just being overweight I've been in and out of sadness.. Until this morning when I got to work. Part of my sadness is because I'm very undervalued at work because of my age and I'm not treated fairly.. but then again who really is?! I've been trying to be thankful that I even have a job but the people here are so dishonest and always make me sound like I'm lying.. ANYWAYS!

I open my email and see one from an old supervisor I still keep in touch with. She's always given me wise counsel and some way been able to read me or know what's going on in my life. We don't hang out or talk on the phone but whenever she emails she knows something that is going on in my life without me telling her. Today.... This was the email I got...

"I have been thinking of you lately and hope all is well with you and Daniel. Remember, no problem can stop a great PRAISE so continue your journey with daily prayers and thanksgiving. I know you are not considering a family now but I do feel you are going to be pregnant soon if you donâ??t take precautions :)"

WHen I read it my mouth dropped and now that I'm sharing this story my eyes are crying but my heart is dam near jumping out of my chest I'm SO EXCITED! My first (short lived) questions was "How could she even know?!" But the answer to that came a milisecond after.. GOD.. Only God could connect 2 people like this. I was happy to report to her that we were trying and that I'm now 21 days late.. told her a little of my background with what the doctors have been putting me through and I'm SOOOO EXCITED for the ultrasound tomorrow!!

I know it gets hard to have faith when we can't see farther than a couple of feet but My Father KNOWS what He is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never give up on Him ladies because He WILL NOT give up on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

9 Comments • 12 years ago



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1 - 9 of 9 Comments

I hope all goes well for you tomorrow :) Such exciting times...and nerve racking too!

~Hoping to be a mommy~ User Image

12 years ago

Have you done a hpt?

~Hoping to be a mommy~ User Image

12 years ago

@thinkPOSITIVE thank you so much! DH and I are having a date night tonight so I can get my mind off of it but my stomach cramping is going NUTS today! Keep me in your prayers and we will do the same! :)

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago • Post starter

@thinkPOSITIVE I have.. All negative.. I even got a blood test and my hcg was below 5. I'm holding on to hope because my cousin tested negative until she was 8 weeks so.... yea lol

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago • Post starter


12 years ago

In my prayers that all went well today. Anxiously waiting to hear the news!

12 years ago

Wish the the best!!! Can I please get the good news already! :)

12 years ago

Well how did it go??!?!??!?!?!? =o)

12 years ago

It didn't go as well and I thought it was.. I thought I was going to find out SAturday and come to find out... The tech didn't tell me anything that was going on, anything that she was seeing.. I don't even know where the urterus was at on the screen. I didn't see anything the shaped of a black peanut. They did an internal and external u/s and I didn't get to see the screen on the internal u/s. They wouldn't let my aunt in with me and I was devastated when we left because I didn't see anything on the screen. We sat and talked for a few hours and I feel like I have a bit more peace at heart.. but I have to admit that I'm sad. I can't see letting someone wait a week to find out they are pregnant... Sorry no good news to report ladies.. thanks for being so supportive.. and positive

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago • Post starter

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