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CD41/21DPO, AF 5days late - MY DREAM

This morning I woke up at 6:30 to take my temp and ended up calling in from work and going back to sleep. When I woke up again I remembered this dream in detail! I was trying a dress on in this weird dressing room and I ran into a "bad" girl and a "good" girl in 2 separate dressing rooms and when I returned to the 1st dressing room to get my stuff I saw my baby cousin Ashly (11 yrs old) in there eating Reese's Pieces and I yelled at her for taking candy from a stranger.. I told her twice "What happens when you take candy from someone and it isn't candy!?!?" She's very lively and spirited and all I remember is her laughing and playing around then putting a magazine up to her face with the eyes cut out and the words that the page was opened to said "Trust in Him".... WOW

Today I tried to go to a Prolife clinic hoping that if I lied and told them my last period was April 12th that they would want to take an ultrasound but the Lord proved to me yet again that dishonesty will not get us anywhere in life. It did not work. I was given a urine test that the RN took twice because she had a feeling that I was pregnant. But both were BFN's. I left there almost running to get to my car so I could scream out in frustration, disappointment and anger and when I got to the car I called my mom. I asked her if she ever remembered me being "late", she said no. She was scared by the way I was crying so I just told her what was going on, my last period date, how late I am and that I've been feeling symptoms.

I can honestly say that I was somewhat scared that I might have PCOS which runs in my family but my little sister took the phone from my mom & gave me the statistical possibilities. Pretty much that if I did have it I would have know before I was 26 years old. Then my mom told me to just wait and go on as if I am pregnant. Which is what I have been getting signs about this whole time.

The stork that flew in front of our car when I said I wanted someone to tell me I was pregnant, my mom, my aunt, and my dream. I can't just have faith up until the point where I THINK I'm deserving of an answer or revelation I have to have faith ALL THE TIME. I've obviously wanted answers via science when I KNOW I KNOW my body and this is not normal, I know there aren't storks flying around California on a daily basis and I KNOW there is something to learn from all of this.

I just want all you ladies to know that I feel your pain and frustration of waiting.. But the Lord died for all our troubles, sins, frustrations, anger and pain.. Yet we try so hard to hold on to what is NOT rightfully ours. They all belong to the man who shed His blood for someone He hadn't even met yet. My God is a great God, Father and Creator... His plan is perfect and should never be questioned. Stay faithful and always come to God in thanksgiving and prayer. And be prepared to endure whatever the outcome may be.. At least we aren't being asked to carry physical crosses, wear a crown of thorns, and be stabbed in the side.. We are simply asked to BELIEVE and have FAITH.

My prayers go out to all you ladies. You are all in my prayers EVERY night! And the Lord hears us ladies! They will NOT go unanswered!!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

2 Comments • 11 years ago



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AMEN HONEY!!!!!! God given dreams are so....exciting! Inbetween my grandpa and grandma passing, God gave me a dream. I died but when I died, my body fell over and as soon as I hit the ground... I turned into gold dust and began rising to heaven. It was amazing! Trust in Him honey! AMEN!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago

Mooney I am glad to see you posted today I was a little concerned I am glad you are doing okay (Thank You Jesus) and girl the prayers of the righteous availith much I am in full agreement with you faith and prayer works thats what our Saviour died for and we need to use it in Jesus name you are in my prayers girl


11 years ago

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