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Wishing to have someone to talk to

I feel like I am alone in this journey in conceiving. I have a loving husband, a great career, financial security, but after its all said and done doing the BD with the DH I am stuck alone with the thoughts, worries, concerns, tracking, feeling, poking, proding, and I just wish I had someone to talk to about it all .
My hubby doesnt understand what any of all this is, except for BD, he likes that one, but I just cant come out and say "hey babe, does this CM look sticky or creamy to you?" That has to violating some personal law, and man law. I would be ashamed to pee with the door again in front of him! ( lol )
Any one else feel like me? Or am I just becoming weepy, depressed, hormonal? ( I am 7dpo)

11 Comments • 12 years ago



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I know exactly how you feel I have a great DF but when in comes to anything but BD he is not really any help or comfort to talk to. First of I'd have to explain what everything ment to him and 2nd i'd feel weird telling him about what position my cervix is in.

12 years ago

Yes, I feel the same way. My DH thinks it will "just happen" he's not worried, concerned or anything he doesn't like to talk about it cause I think he's nervous. We have only been trying for 4 months, but I'm starting to go crazy, still waiting for ovulation this month...prayer is keeping me sane..

12 years ago

@Nina My DH thinks the same way, like its predicting the weather..."if its supposed to snow, it will" I shouldnt say that he could careless, but its the attitude behind it I guess. I guess thats just what makes us women different from the men. I am only in my first full active month of trying, charting, and I am already going crazy. I cant imagine how you feel. Good luck with everything!! Im pulling for ya!

12 years ago • Post starter

@Emily I laughed when I read what you said about your cervix. Today my DH glanced over at me while I was on my phone, reading about my cervix, and all the good stuff we like to read about it on here, and he asked me what I was doing..I looked over at him and said " Do you really wanna know about my cervix?" He just looked at me, blankly..and said " Sure, I guess...what is it?" haha..thats when I need a WOMAN to talk to...because he has no clue what it even is...or if I even HAD one to begin with!

12 years ago • Post starter

I soooo understand this . Lol when I check my cp and cm my dh calls it "checking my oil " oy vey ...I do appreciate the humor but would be nice to have another female friend going through the same thing ...blah

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12 years ago

Checking the oil!! Omg too funny!! If only it was that ez.. Insert dipstick, pull it out and u know exactly how much is there!! Wonder of I could invent something like that?? Haha.. Only in my dreams

12 years ago • Post starter

i was feeling the same way. We have been trying to a few months and it seemed like to the more i talked to my husband about it the less interested he was with all of it. Almost like I was beating a dead horse with the same topic of conversation. He'd just assume leave it all up to me. So i make the best educated decisions possible. And I guess it worked out this month finally. This site and tracking symptoms really helped me nail it though. Best of luck to you.

12 years ago

My DH really tries to be supportive, but I know all my talk just makes him shut down and then he ends with "It will happen, don't stress so much." Well, I wouldn't stress if he would actually have a conversation with me about it, take the supplements I want him to take to make his boys be stronger boys and I could control both of our bodies! lol. He really does try, bless his heart. But sometimes you just need a girl. I too wish I had a friend close enough to that I could chat. Even my sisters won't really chat with me about it - mostly because they are all done having kids and all my mom says is to keep my faith and to pray. Gotcha, Mom. Trust me, God is probably tired of hearing my minute to minute prayer (he he), but I still do it! Luckily I have all my lovely ladies here!!! You're not alone! We are here when you want to talk about "checking your oil" or anything else!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

I understand you, I do talk with my DH about this but sometimes I think he just listens to me to be nice even though he doesn't understand anything. I am already 15 days late on a 30 day cycle and I'm going crazy, irritated and scared of testing that's why I haven't lol he tells me that I should just test and if it's a bfn than we'll keep trying I wish I could be positive like that lol, TTC since July and never once tested because I don't know, I just knew that I wasn't. Now I'm not sure, If I was pregnant I would be almost 7 weeks!, I might be testing on Monday, that's the last day I'll wait for AF to show up. Baby dust for all of you!!

12 years ago

I'm so lucky to have you ladies for support. I honestly don't know what I would be doing with myself and TTC if it wasn't for this site and everyone else. You all have truly helped and supported me!
Mrsott keep praying! As much as Ur probably tired of doing it, there really is nothing else to do but keep trying and praying!! God will answer you when he feels the time is right. Remember He already has your life planned out and your child's life. So, the plan for your child's life is just not ready for the time he needs him/her to be here!
@jesicka I think it's time to test girl!! Sounds promising!! :) lemme know when you do how things turn out for ya!!

12 years ago • Post starter

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