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Disappearing Symptoms Before Positive HPT?

Hi ladies, this is more out of my own curiosity. Have any of you had your PMS symptoms disappear before you got a positive pregnancy test only for pregnancy symptoms to reappear later?

For example, every month I get very tender breasts about a week before my period is due. I can always tell I am "out" when they go back to normal, usually two to three days before my period. I wonder if I am ever lucky enough to get pregnant if this would happen only for my breasts to become sore again later in the pregnancy.

Anyone have any experience with this? Or were your symptoms pretty consistent during the TWW and into your early pregnancy?

7 Answers • 9 years ago



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1 - 7 of 7 Answers

When I got pregnant 27 months ago I had no symptoms. When I know I'm not preg before af even due I get a niggle in my back.

9 years ago

we tried in april and then again in may. I just got my first ever BFP today and i did notice that this month I didnt have many "pregnancy" or even ovulation symptoms compared to previous months... i was seriously so shocked to test positive on over 4 HPTs today and my AF is due tomorrow.

9 years ago

Each pregnancy can have different symptoms or lack of. With my second pregnancy I didn't know I was pregnant, put on a pair of jeans and I couldn't button them. Went & took a test and yep it was surprisingly positive. GL!

9 years ago

My symptoms came and went and then came back again. I wasn't TTC this time around so i was waiting for AF as normal, i had all the usual pms, cramps, sore boobs etc but it never came, i thought i was just later than usual because it felt like i was due, all of my symptoms disappeared and then two weeks later i found out i was pregnant. I felt absolutely fine for a few days after and then all the symptoms came back at me with a huge slap in the face. With my first pregnancy i just had symptoms from the very start and they never went, i was very ill with my first. So it can definitely go either way. GL!

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9 years ago

Thanks, ladies! I'm 9 dpo and going crazy already. Had a BBT drop this morning and very light spotting when I wiped this afternoon (sorry TMI)...don't want to get my hopes up though!

9 years ago • Post starter

did you ever find out?

9 years ago

Frenchy- Yeah, this month wasn't our month either. Off to the RE this week because it has been close to a year. Good luck to you ladies on your TTC journey!

9 years ago • Post starter

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