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Were you unmonitored on Clomid?

I'm on my 2nd round of Clomid 100mg, this month was SO painful during ovulation I had to miss work and couldn't move hardly. I had an u/s today but won't know the results for a while. I was just reading online that one women's Dr wasn't monitoring her on clomid and she ended up with triplet. I am upset and concerned now that if my ovaries were overstimulated my Dr has no clue how many follicles I had. I just had an HSG done 2 weeks ago and I am concerned now. Were you on clomid unmonitored? Did everything turn out okay?

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers

I did 4 months on 50 mg no monitoring and ended up with mc. I am now on 100mg also unmonitored. Hoping for bfp this month. Good luck

10 years ago

I just finished my 3rd cycle at 100mg unmonitored. O had a slight bite to it, I mostly bloated up until the day after. The odds for multiples while on clomid are only like 10%. U can produce many eggs but they arent all released when u surge. Ur more likely to release the matured ones all at once when ur taking trigger shots. Honestly, ur always gonna find a horror story on the internet...dont forget, ppl tend to leave out the little details that make all the difference. Dont stress.

10 years ago

I am on my 3rd round of clomid. I was monitored the first cycle. My dr wanted to make sure I O'd on 50mg. Since I do, he just told me to call when I get a BFP or in 6 cycles.

10 years ago

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