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Depressed. :( :(

AF came today. DH and I been trying for more than a year. We did all sorts of different things this time and AF came today on time. Depressed about everything going on in my and DH's life right now. I want to disappear. that is all.

8 Answers • 12 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Sweetheart you are not alone i always get disappointing result every month like right now my AF are due 1 May I pray for this day AF not to show but already I can feel it on the way that is the painful thing I always experience every month and i have to let my tears flow in order to stay strong and hope for better result next month.To look or see another baby it emotional to me I feel like I'm letting my Husband down and he love babies when he see a baby he wll play around with the baby and that make me sad. He always talk like when our baby comes will do this and that at least he still has hope but I lost hope I feel the day will never come.
Goodluck!! I wll pray for us Lot of baby dust!!!

12 years ago

How you feel is very normal. I spent month after month cyring and crying when af arrived. Then after a mc in 2010, I would cry and cry all the time. Let your obgyn know how you feel. They finally put me on clomid and I got pregnant that cycle. Now, we finally have a 14 week old dd. We struggled for sooo long. I hate that anyone has to feel like that another second. Best wishes.

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12 years ago


I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I've been feeling it all day too.. wished I could just curl up in bed for the day. I wonder if we stop 'trying' it might come easier? Wishing you all the best, and that your positive comes next cycle.

12 years ago

oh my... I SO know where you're coming from... It will be 3 years on June 4th for us on the TTC train. If it's been a year and you're feeling this way, it might be worth talking to your doctor. S/he might try the clomid challenge and run some tests for fertility.

I have to be honest though... it most certainly doesn't get easier as time goes by. Try to find some support groups, or even an online forum where you can get some support. As wonderful as our DH's may be... i don't think they will truly understand what it's like.

Don't give up though, keep trying. It will happen.

12 years ago

Thank you all. You're all so supportive. Right now it's everything that is making me so depressed. TTC for this long and not knowing why it's not happening for us, we tried getting DH tested for his sperm count several times (they are only open cetain times and days and we can only go when we can) and the one time we finally got there and we came 4 min before 4pm and they did his blood test 1st (for something else for our dr) then they told my DH they wouldn't so semen test since it was 4:01 not 4pm!!!! one SECOND past the time they stop doing it... We dont have a car so we had to take buses to get there.. haven't had a chance toi do it since. D: Not to mention, our living situation has been shot to hell for a year, living with bugs including centipede infestations, my parents blame us and our cat food, and my parents just are ignorant people who love stressing us (esp me) out. I am so depressed i dont want to even live. D: we dont even have any friends. We're a mess

12 years ago • Post starter

FYI we're temporarily living under my parents unfinished basement that WE got stuck building... we are trying to get money to move out...but it wont be for at least a couple to a few months!!!!!! D: D:

12 years ago • Post starter

I hear ya :( We're going through a rut as well. We've been trying for two years with the exception of a break we had to take for me to have surgery, now it's been 9 consecutive cycles this time. We've had 2 family deaths, a heart attack, and my mom going through a rough divorce all within the last week. What helps get me through is just waking up every day and believing something wonderful will happen. As down as I get hope still seems to get me through. I hope your luck turns around. Sending positive vibes and baby dust your way :)

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12 years ago

Thanks Katiemay.. <3 I'm sorry all you have been thru too. Baby dust to you as well! I hope our luck turns around really fast too.. I can't take much more of living this way :( I can't even feel good sleeping at night. I have panic attacks every time I see a centipede. I am TERRIBLY afraid of them :( :(

12 years ago • Post starter

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