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Who's with me on the 2WW?

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Hello all,
I am new here. Getting straight to the point. I am now 10 dpo. Hoping this is my month as I had a new symptom at 7 dpo. Came down with a sore/itchy throat for that one day only. Don't know where that came from. Also CP was high with a soft cervix that day as well. Now it's back to medium high and medium soft. Sore boobs. dull cramps.
Hoping for bfp. AF due in 1-2 days.

1084 Replies • 10 years ago



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Boldandbeautiful- Ha I say dtd doing the dance (aka sex). I've said that for years and so does my mom but i guess bding is more common. Soft cups are those things you can put in Immediately after sex to keep all the stuff up in there. I just have a bad habit of peeing after sex that I feel like maybe that's been my culprit. But I was impressed. I am not thinking I am still ovulating today as but still have a little ewcm and we are going to dtd anyway. Not nearly as much as it's been. So it will be the third day straight. Good luck to you this week!

Jessica- sounds like you did ovulate late. Maybe it just means a longer cycle for you? But you would calculate your period 14 days after so maybe a 33 day cycle. Sometimes stress and exercise or change in diet can push a cycle back too. At least you got a positive so that's good news!

I am making myself wait as long as I can to POAS because I always spend so much money..

Baby dust!

9 years ago

Hello ladies,

Bold, I'm doing good thanks for asking

Hopeful, yeah it does seem like I O'ed late. And from what you mentioned about the reasons of why a cycle could be pushed back I have 2 out of 3 reason. Stress and not only regular stress but extreme stress and also dieting aka not eating. I deffinetly ain't exercising but I am losing weight. I have a feeling that can be a culprit for this wacky cycle. If I do plus 14 days that's right at the latest when I have cycles. Mine range from 29 to 33 days. So 33 days would sound about right. Now that I actually pin pointed O now when cd31 comes I can't say I'm late until past 33 day. Plus that's cool we're CYCLE TWINS. I'm just ovulating and I seen from your previous message you are too.. We can be cycle buddies lol

AFM, I'm feeling better. My stress is still there but getting manageable. I'm happy I confirmed O, and indeed did O this month. I'm still not sure if those 2 days of me taking 160mgs of SI really helped or not. I guess I'll never know. So far my cramps are subsiding as well. It's crazy because I never get O cramps. I had really bad cramps last night and this morning and afternoon. Other than that I'm feeling pretty good. Let the count down begin!!!!

9 years ago

Hello ladies! Sorry i haven't been chatty lately, I've been reevaluating my self. These symptoms drove me crazy last month. Im gonna try to not get my hopes up too high this month. Last you guys heard i was having some cramping. But af wasnt due at that time. Well she came and it was really bad. She came on time and i was in bed for 4 days. My cycle this time was abnormally heavy and painful. I believe its because of the Clomid. Af stayed for 5 days. Now im on cd11 and i have added fish oil and evening primrose and robitussin to help out with the dryness. Cm is still watery. I hope I get ew. I will keep you guys in the know.

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9 years ago


Bold: I am now on CD 11. The witch was not too bad, but not at all pleasant (but..when is she ever?). I have 4 days until EOD and I am starting to get excited about it.

Glad that you and your sister are getting the help that you need. It would be cool if you and your sister was pregnant together! Me and my sis were pg together too before the MC. She is 34 weeks now though. I am happy for her, but also jealous. She isn't really in a place in her life right now that she needs another baby. She is pg with her DSs dad's cousin's baby...I know right...

Jessica: I always type "Jess" when I start to talk to you. I have a good friend named Jessica and I call her Jess, so it is habbit and I always have to go back and change it, LOL.

Hang in there girl!! I am pulling for you this cycle! :)

vmartin: Looks like we are cycle buddies! I am CD 11 also. When is your EOD? Mine is CD15.

Hopeful: Patience is virtue.. or that is what they say, anyway HAHA! :)

Sorry that the witch was a bitch! Hopefully that will be the last time you'll see her for 9 months! :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Well last night was a bust so DH and I bd'd on Tuesday and Wednesday nights only (had peak on both days) but last night he came home from out of town at 9pm and was so tired and I couldn't even bring myself to ask or even hint at it.. Hopefully we hit it at the right time though because my ewcm stopped on Wednesday too. So I guess I'm 1dpo roughly. We will bding tonight too just in case O was a little late. I despise the 2ww...

9 years ago

Bumpin my EOD is CD19. Hmmm I wonder why we have diffrent od? I am so glad I have a cycle buddy!

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9 years ago

Don't worry @bumpin it's fine to call me jess, you don't have to write it all out. Many call me jess, jessie, jessica and j..... Lol

9 years ago

So looking for a little moral support... My little sister (24) told us she was 8 weeks pregnant today. They got married 8 weeks ago so do the math. I was happy for her but broke down after. I'm 4dpo today. No symptoms. I'm four years older than her and been trying 6 months. I get some people have it worse but that doesn't make it any easier right now for me. Ugh:( this is the second person in a week that announced it and both weren't even trying.

9 years ago

Aww hopeful I'm sorry to hear that. I know exactly how you feel. I got married at 20 yrs to my 1st husband. We tried and tried . No bfp!. I wanted a baby so bad ... Well after years of trying I got angry.I ddidn't even want to hold family members and friends babies. Well, all that and other things put together me and husband seperated for several years. When I turned 27 I was tired of being lonely and decided to call up ex (we was still just seperated not divorced) of course we bd'ed. While we were in the act I was thinking what the hell am I doing. ... he shouldn't be here . Well amonth later I had a bfp! Dh and I only had sex that 1 time I had not slept with any other guys of course it was his but he didnt think so... then dna proved me right. Well I have said all this to tell you when it is time for you to have a baby nothing is going to stop it. Be strong. This time I am going to continue to ttc but im not gonna let my feelings get out of control. But I do wish you and will kee my . We will get our bfp soon!

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9 years ago

Hopeful - I'm in the exact same position, DH and I have been trying for a while now and my sister messaged me while we were on vacation and told me she was 20 weeks and that I was the only person she wasn't afraid to tell. I had to talk her through telling our parents, while I feel like I'm dying a little inside as they weren't really even trying. Don't get me wrong I'm excited for her but I kinda felt like what's wrong with me that I can't get pregnant too.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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