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Ttc for November 2016 babies

DD born 05/20/2013 Angel Baby EDD- 12/25/2015 Born into heaven 04/27/2015

111 Replies • 8 years ago



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Xoxojadorecourture wishing you lots of baby dust. Calvingirl Geez this TWW is torture . Have you checked your cervix ? I still feel like I have to pee all the time . I want more symtpoms lol

8 years ago

Omg! It seems as though everyone is getting their BFPs this cycle. Congratulations to all of you ladies! That is so exciting!

Xoxo - good luck. Did you post your tests? Let us know what the doctor says!

@Calvin good luck. I know all too well the mirages of the terrifying tww but hopefully this is it for you too! When r u going to test?

AFM - I think I ovulated yesterday. I had terrible cramps and my temp spiked today. Both hubby and I are recuperating from a wicked flu but managed to BD two days in a row so hopefully that was enough.

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8 years ago

Congrats to everyone who got their BFP, so many this month. Hopefully that's a good sign for the rest of us :)

No one has updated in over a day now,just wondering if anyone else has tested.

AFM: So I have had 3 possible days for AF to show up, and now I'm down to 1. I had gotten a positive OPK late this cycle(FEB 15th) and then on FEB 18th I had really bad ovulation cramps. So I think my left side was trying to ovulate but my right side ended up doing it. So now that my 2 week wait for the possible OV on the 15th has passed yesterday I'm waiting for Thursday now. This has been the longest 2 week wait ever because it just keeps extending. The last pregnancy test I took was on Sunday and it was obviously negative but if I actually ovulated on the 18th that would of put me at 10 dpo which would be too early. I'm now too scared to go buy some more tests and try them. Sorry for the long history here but this has been the most strange cycle that I have ever had and the first one since my husband has been better so we're more hopeful this month.

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8 years ago

I got my bfp this morning! EDD 11.8.2016
to those with a bfp and to those trying!

8 years ago

to Eliasbean, disneygirl90, west0312, Kresslove So good to see so many BFPs!!

Xoxojadorecourture - have you tested again?

Lalou3tt3 - Any signs of AF?

calvingirl and Kentuckygirl - How are you both feeling now?

Praying4ALil1 - Hope you are feeling better now.

Mommy2016: As long as no AF then I know every month I say I don't want to test until I'm late but I always give in to the temptation of finding out early .

Sorry if I've missed anyone, I'm cheering for all of you!!

8 years ago

Got AF this morning. Off to December If go.

Good luck everyone!

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8 years ago

Hi all.

Kresslove - congrats! Strong line!

Lot of November babies gonna be popping!

Hoping I have one of them. I'm 7dpo now. I have the normal fullness feeling that makes me need to go pee a lot. I get this every month around this time - its in my head. I know I felt that way when I was pregnant with Oscar so I swear it's psychological because I want it so bad.

I haven't tested yet - too early. I was slightly crampy last night so I'm hoping that was implantation. I'll probably start testing Saturday morning at 10 dpo. Last time I got a positive that early - Maybe I'll get lucky.

I'm testy, emotional, my back hurts and I'm hungry all the time - but that's just me PMS'ing too. Vague. Too vague. If my boobs start killing me, I'll get excited.

This month was the month we were NTNP. I'm not tracking anything this month. I have a trip to Atlantic City planned in three weeks and if I'm pregnant, I won't be able to drink (not that I'd care too much - slots are slots) but if I'm not pregnant, I have something to look forward to. Plus I have a business trip in two weeks that will be awkward if I'm pregnant, avoiding the wine when everyone knows I'm a drinker. I'd hate to tell them too soon and then miscarry or something. So I'm preparing myself not to be as sad as I was last month when it doesn't happen. Sometimes you need a mental break.

Anyway, that's my update. Hope to hear about other BFPs soon!

8 years ago

Started spotting for 2 days bad cramps maybe a chemical but im out and completly done trying forever

8 years ago

Calvinsgirl- Thank you! Fx that this is your month! When is af due?
Xoxojadore- Sorry to hear about the witch, but don't lose hope! Maybe you should take a few "chill" cycles. If you are, don't chart, symptoms spot, or any of that. I had gotten so frustrated with ttc, but it worked on the second chill cycle.

8 years ago

Mommy2016: I'm sorry AF arrived. Fingers crossed December will be our month

xoxojadorecouture: Don't give up. Take a break if you need to, perhaps you'll get your BFP when you least expect it?

8 years ago

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