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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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after many BFNs and having really unusual (for me) symptoms - sore nipples, extreme exhaustion (2 naps a day and bed early)... looks like AF is about to come tomorrow - brown spotting today but more like EWCM (loads of it - tmi).

Anyway - because of the BFP on Thurs I suspect I had another chemical pregnancy - I've read that pregnancy symptoms can stay in the body for a few days afterwards...

will be glad to get off this hormonal rollercoaster and have my body back.

9 years ago

Dawniem - so sorry to hear about AF arriving. Please take good care of yourself (get all the rest you need for your body to recover) and remember that next month is a new opportunity! Wishing you & !

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9 years ago

oh dawniem, so sorry to hear that :( I join Angel in wishing you nice recovery and extra sticky vibes next time!

Now, ladies, this feels like an awful bad timing to make an announcement like this, but I've been jumping out of my skin since this morning to tell you that at 10 DPO today I finally got my !

Wasn't even dying to test so early as I just didn't feel it all this time, but I've got doctor's appointment tomorrow --weird rush on my left breast (symptom??) which has gone by now -- so I thought I either cancel or go with the news...

Once again, dawniem, so sorry to be stomping on your last post like this... Lots of mixed feelings here... but I'm not gonna tell anyone yet, not even my partner (I had a chemical in April after a BFP on his birthday) and it feels like a safe place to share it here with you girls, as you understand that BFP is only a tiny first step on this crazy 'getting pregnant' ride...

9 years ago

I'm so sorry dawniem my darling, it probably was a chemical . I feel your pain honestly I do. Try not to be too too disheartened as every cycle is a new one and keep trying. One day hopefully soon you'll get one to stick as will I.
I'm thinking of you and if you need to vent you can always inbox me, I'll be all ears.

Very many congratulations babybean, I'm certain it must have been the stockings that did it for you lol I bet you're over the moon. I'm really happy and excited for you and it's never a bad time, we're all in this TTC journey together so hopefully given time we'll all be in the same boat with our little bundles of joy. Thanks for telling us, I feel the same, if I get another BFP I'll only tell you girls, I won't even admit it to myself at this rate so you tell people when you're good and ready and make sure you relax and don't worry about anything, one day at a time and you'll be just fine. Congratulations again and keep us updated!

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh baby bean ! What exciting news and thank you so much for sharing! It gives us all hope. I have to agree with onemorebaby, it must've been those stockings! I'll have to dig mine out in hopes for a bfp this month! Please keep us posted. Sending you major & !

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9 years ago

Congratulations baby bean - that's fantastic news - always always great to hear. It keeps the rest of us hopeful!

BabyAngel G, Onemorebaby - thanks for the lovely words. I had a blood test last week for iron/thyroxine - just a regular one I have every 3 months or so as I am hypothyroid - and turns out I have quite severe anaemia (heavy periods, another pleasant side-effect of getting older!). So am now back on the iron - so that's most likely why I was feeling super exhausted. Hopefully I will feel back to normal soon. So I discussed my ttc history with my doctor (I've moved to a new surgery)- and he agreed that we would do a progesterone test on day 21 of this cycle to see where I am. I am considering doing Clomid again - even though it gave me headaches and made me feel awful - but having this last cp has made me realise that yes, I would definitely like another baby - rather than "Let's let nature take its course"....

So I feel like I am taking control this time...

baby bean - I know what you mean about not telling your partner - my husband always gets so excited whenever I get a bfp - it's been so heartbreaking to disappoint him and I have felt very foolish for getting all our hopes up time and time again. Looking forward to hearing you tell us you've been able to share the good news very soon

onemorebaby - I've done some reading over the past few days and there is a website about recurring chemical pregnancies - one woman's very interesting story and all the reasons why this could happen - here's the link if you're interested

but also an article I read today says that 50% of all embryos formed in women 44 and older have a genetic abnormality that results in miscarriage/cp....

yes, the odds are stacked against us - but it can happen!! to everyone!

we're in it together - here's to us all getting our BFPs very very soon.


PS: not stockings for my dh - I break out the leather skirt!!! Works every time even when he's not "in the mood"....

9 years ago

Thank you all for your lovely wishes it's both amazing and terrifying... The GP today wasn't very impressed with testing so early, said to see her again in 2 weeks, fair enough.
She wasn't very supportive of my fears, didn't want to hear anything about hormones but said it wasn't a crime to take double dose of Folic Acid, which is what I've been doing this current cycle (800 microgram); dawniem, it also helps with the anaemia!

Anyway, loving your attitude girls, leather skirts and stockings it is!

9 years ago

god, you gotta love GPs hey....

I know they must see a lot of women who come to them in the days of early pregnancy and really the only real thing is to wait... but I wish they would do more in terms of recognising that for each woman, their pregnancy is the most all-consuming, anxiety-creating situation in their lives... I think they need to listen more...

my previous GP insisted I only come back once I've had a BFP on the day of my missed period - but if I waited till then to test I would never have discovered a pattern of chemicals... my enquiries about progesterone supplements are met with very heavy sighs...

well I will keep my fingers crossed for you babybean that the wait until you go back to your GP goes quickly... how are you feeling so far?

9 years ago

Hi everyone .
Thanks dawniem, I read the link you sent and it's interesting. It goes to show anyone at any age can have cp's and mc's but she had luck on her side, she's young!!! I always take that into consideration. When you're much younger you can keep trying as hard as it is but as an older person there is really a time limit and there's no denying it.
I too feel that GP's and Dr's don't like to help much after a certain age , it's really frustrating but we have to carry on. My GP hasn't given me progesterone either but I started using the natural cream this cycle and will keep using it till and after I get a BFP and see what that does. I know it could be the eggs but if it is then I'll lose it anyway but if it's not then I'll hopefully go on to have a sticky baby . My GP told me not to test so early either and like you if I didn't test early I wouldn't have known either...mind you my cycles are so regular I'd have tested if I was one day late and known about them all. I've had 2 out of the 5 that were proper mc's and the other 3 chemicals. I hate them all!!! .

I already take the 5mg folic acid which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Enjoy your pregnancy baby bean and with abit of luck we'll all be joining you soon.

Has anyone heard from Karamyl? Hope she's doing ok.

9 years ago • Post starter

onemorebaby - yes, I keep hearing the words "woman of a certain age" quite a lot these days - sigh.

I'm interested in your experience with the progesterone cream - I've looked online but put off by the choice and worried about how legit the products are - can i ask where you got yours, how you apply it - just everything really!

how are you finding it? I must admit I am tempted to try it.

as I kind of gave up actively ttc I haven't really been looking after myself these past few months - so this cycle I am starting to look after myself better - I use a pregnancy multi vitamin recommended by a nutritionist Nutri Advanced Pregnancy Multi-essentials and Eskimo Hi strength omega 3 and 6. Maybe if I am just more consistent with using these over the next few cycles I might improve my chances...

I do believe in the end what will be will be - with a little extra work from myself!

onemorebaby - BabyAngel G - Which cycle days are you now?

9 years ago

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