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Im going nuts today!!!!!!!!! 8dpo

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Hello ladies, I have been thinking of myself as being quite calm about this, but today, besides being extremely moody I have been obsessing over everything and questioning everything.

Do I really wanna do this now? What if and what nots...

I am questioning everything from a single fart to a normal pee and Im fed up already! am I ? am I not?

This wait is way toooooo too demanding and its driving me crazy, the wonders of ttc!

tested this morning bfn of course, another 2 days and ill test again, oh wait! I wont be able too, ill probbaly end up doing another before bed...

Sorry just needed to vent!

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278 Replies • 13 years ago



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All right that is what I am talking about the positives!! Coming in!!I want to congratulate Amy and Mc P and Ttc and all of the women coming down the line. As I mentioned earlier that I won't buy a test let me just miss my AF then I know how to proceed I am sticking to my Guns!! No tests until Tuesday the 2 when most of us will be due??
Now Anitia stop feeling like this is not your month it is!! Ok it is all of us together.
My symptoms goes has follows I have had my breast hurt for about 8 days really bad. My head, legs and today I feel asleep in church??I am a mess. Eating hamburgers like I am craving meat. I have a package of beef jerky beside my bed go figuire? But I really want you sisters to know that I love all of you and take care of yourselves.

13 years ago

I have been nauseous all day!! I have a headache, I am still in my pj's and if it weren't for trick-or-treating tonight with my children I would be in tired!!!

THANK YOU TTCafeterloss and Anita for constant support!! It gets me through each day!!

I remember when I got that big smiley face on my OPK..I was so excited I took a picture of it!! It's on my cell phone:o) Every time I look at it, I think that this could be my month as I have proof that I did ovulate!! (I have PCOS so it is rare that I do without clomid, or femara, so I am a lucky girl!!)


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13 years ago

I'd like to direct this to all those ladies between 9 and 13 dpo with BFN's. Keep your chin up. I got a very faint positive at 10dpo and it showed up 30 mins after I took the test. And even on 11dpo the line was faint. So you may not have enough HCG if you got a BfN. Also, implantation takes place at different dpo for every woman so don't count yourself out just yet. This means you could get a BFP later. Also, if ur going off of symptoms mine feel just like AF is coming. Not tired, no vivid dreams, bbs don't hurt half as bad as they did a couple days ago. No cramps.

I am praying for everyone and sending lots of baby dust and positive vibes!!

13 years ago

eeezeemama - your patience is inspiring!

13 years ago

Had a lot of fun trick or treating with all the lil' ones in my life & family. brought my thoughts right back to all you ladies & this forum- I'm still hoping!

Wanted to ask a question: Should I be concerned with having sex during the 2ww? I am 9 dpo today and tested negative this morning. I also sorta pushed my hubby away tonight, because I wasn't 100% sure it was safe. If I even have a slight chance... I definitely don't want to mess it up by fooling around. Advice?

Thank you!

13 years ago

Ladies, you r amazing and patient and positive.
Thank you all for this great attitude - when I am reading it it changes my todays down feeling!!!
You r the best and to all of us !!!

Hope we will get our veeeery soon !

Maria, they say that the sex shall not be harmful but the orgasm ( the spasms and the muscle contractions ) may not be good while implantation process .
That`s all I know.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of you and

13 years ago

Hello my ladies of the TTW I am here to show you that all of what I expected was true. I have cramps again and that is just my nerves getting the best of me. I can't sleep now because I slept all day? I am trying to be strong but I just feel this month it is not going as planned. I am ok with it I am. I am gonna plan a day trip and relax abit.
Now about sex I am not sure of? But be glad he wants to. Anita did you test today? Marie E keep your head up! Mc P and Schamp Dee99 you guys are my sisters keep each other up ok I want everyone to know this night and day!! That we are here to feel your pain, worries and celebrate!

13 years ago

Good Morning I did sleep at all because I knew it was gonna be a sad day for me I get AF like I am twelve year old. Every 26 days to the minute I can count it coming why can't sperm do it's thing in me? I ask God today to bless all you women who are pregnant and who are running this TTW. I am done this month. Not gonna ruine my holidays with Opks and waiting again? I won't leave the group Eeeze will always be here. It just didn't happen for me? I think I am gonna quit my BF too his sperm is broke.

13 years ago

We have such a lovely community going on here!

Hello Ladies, I know we cant count ourselfes out yet, Im waiting for Aunt Flo to come and get me tomorrow, if she doenst show I'll do another test! Love peeing on a stick these days, but it gets expensive, then you decide, well Ill buy some internet cheap tests.... well because they were cheap u end up doing them everyday, then because nothing comes back Positive, u blame it on the tests and find ourself making up the most ridiculous excuses to go and get an expensive one, yes because the cheap ones can not be trusted....( in your head that is) so now I have decided to wait until a day after my period is ment to show, meanwhile I'll just moan about my runny nose and about the blisters forming in my mouth... Im closed for repairs! lol

Thank you ladies!

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13 years ago • Post starter

No AF yet Stay away!! It is due tomorrow...we'll see!! Hope everyone gets there BFP's!!!

Eeezemama- I will pray for you that this month (Nov) will be the one!!

Anita- I am in the same boat as you!!!

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13 years ago

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