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TTC May/June 2019

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Hi Ladies!!!!

Good luck and baby dust to another month!!

94 Replies • 4 years ago



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I see I have a lot of catching up to do since I last was in here. Are in the background keeping my fingers crossed for all of you, both pregnant, TTC and otherwise.

Big Anna for welcoming your little bundle of joy!

We're still preventing and will be doing so for a few more months. Only 7 more months until I graduate and I really want to have a job before we start TTC again. Got a referral to another doctor at the "medicine clinic", but this doctor was a total ass! Wrote about it in my blog so I wont be ranting about it in here. So, another round of blood samples in 3 months time and then go from there.


4 years ago

There is so much to catch up on!!

@anna I am so happy for you!! It seems like yesterday you got your positive and now you are holding that sweet baby girl!! I am so happy for you!

@alex I am sorry it is still so rough. I am sure you will find peace and a solution eventually.

@lalou glad work and everything is going well. Hopefully you will just O late this cycle.

@pando I am sorry you are struggling to find a doctor who will work with you. At least you have the time to find the right doctor.

AFM: I am on my second cycle of clomid. The first cycle I did O and we timed it all great. I was so disappointed that AF showed. I was happy that I did not need the Provera to jump start my cycle though. Definitely means I O’ed. My doctor has me at 100mg this time and I am on my last day of it for this cycle. Just gotta make sure we bd enough and at the right times haha hubby has no problem with that though! I may try to get some OPKs this cycle bust I am still deciding. It is kind of freeing to just have fun and make sure you are doing plenty of bding for the whole month and just knowing O happened from temps. I hope to see some more positives soon!! Maybe we can all get our Christmas presents early with some positives!!!

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4 years ago

Thanks ladies !! Her name is Mijane... Pronounced Me-ya-nay... She's gorgeous I'm obsessed with her! The feeding isn't going too well though

4 years ago • Post starter

Anna x

4 years ago

@Anna congratulations hun

4 years ago • Edited

OMG Mijane is such a beautiful name. What does it mean? Keep at it it will come. Make sure you pump in between the feedings too and keep on trying to lash. The beginnings are hard it will get easier.

@ Shay congratulations on ovulating. I will suggest to opk. I will take the guessing out of the way. It s true that it is fun and freeing too. So hard.

@Pando I am glad you are waiting to graduate, one step at a time. Then you can focus on ttc. Hopefully you will get a better doc.

@sam and @emma how are y all doing?

AFM I believe that I am either 6dpo or 2dpo. I just felt my right side a bit poking as I am typing , I hope that it is a good sign. If not I have RE specialist appt on Dec 12. Also I got accepted to Master program starting during the Spring. This time I am not stopping until I have my phD. Baby s bday was sweet. We will be partying the whole week. He got numbers, blocks , puppets and a red tricycle.

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4 years ago

@Lalou3tt3 i am doing great , currently 24weeks . Have bought the travel system and bedside crib. Can't wait to go clothes shopping! Super excited!

4 years ago

So excited for you Sam, is this your first baby?

AFM 3 days high bbt so I am now 100 % sure that I just recently ovulated and I am 4dpo. It was still early (CD 18 than last month (CD 22) so hopefully my cycle will be even shorter and in 10days will either have BFP or AF. I am just glad that we will be busy packing to move to a cheaper house and with Thanksgiving. Praying for everyone. Keep up the faith.

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4 years ago

Yes it's my first baby!

4 years ago

Pandorica you can rant whenever you want hun! Lol that’s why we’re all here! To support each other and maybe, you never know learn from others experiences!! Hopefully your experience in 3 months will be better!

Shay I, very hopeful for you love! Clomid worked for Kate and I’m positive it will work for you and it won’t take long! I have everything crossed for you this cycle!

Lalou I really hope that Af won’t be coming and you’ll be having an amazing thanksgiving present!!

AFM I decided to buy again opks and hpts... I was totally torturing my self cuz either way I was pretty aware of my O timing and BDing and the tww. I cannot say that I ever stoped ttc tbh. I just stopped tracking. It’s not easy to just let it go and I realized that until I’m menopausal, I’ll never stop hoping or trying! So I’m back as I was because there is no point to pretend that I’m not aware of everything. I’m not sure that I’ll ever get pregnant but at least I won’t pretending that I’m not trying. So yea... that’s all with me!

I believe that Anna will be very busy now with her baby girl and won’t be updating the boards as frequently as she used to and tbh I’m missing her positive energy so much but I understand that now her angel is here and it’s totally normal to spending her time with her. What do you ladies think? Maybe one of us should create a new board for “August-September TTC”? I don’t want to disrespect Anna and I apologize in advance if this is disrespectful. I just thought that for all of us who still trying maybe we need a new board. If not I don’t mind at all to stay here! Just a thought.

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4 years ago

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