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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Alex very excited for you for this cycle and I’m so glad you are feeling hopeful. As I’ve told you before, I have no doubt you will be a mom one day. I really hope that day comes soon though!
@E sorry your doctor is suspecting some issues but I’m impressed with your positive attitude. Praying for patience and strength as well as a positive outcome to all of this for you.
@Kahlan good luck for tomorrow. Hope you get great news at your appointment
@Hberry sounds like promising symptoms. Have you tested or are you planning on testing soon?
I guess I did ovulate when I thought I did because I got a BFP today (9 dpo). I’m really wondering what is going. Third month in a row now (first 2 were CPs) so I can’t say I’m optimistic. I don’t have a good feeling about it but I’m hoping it can at least help me understand what is happening. I called my doctor today to see if we should do some tests (maybe check progesterone levels and such). She was off today but is supposed to call me back tomorrow. I think the constant hormonal ups and downs of the past few months are messing with my sanity at this point. I’m always sort of out of my mind in early pregnancy (mood swings, roller coaster emotions and difficulties communicating effectively) but it seems to be hitting pretty hard this time and my husband ispulling his hair out a bit

4 years ago

Agatch I will keep you in my prayers! I cannot even imagine the anxiety you must be feeling right now after everything you’ve been through. I really hope and pray this little one sticks! I cannot wait to congratulate you on a safe delivery soon! You so much deserve it. It’s been too long for you too and everything you’re feeling right now is so justified! Please stay hopeful as much as you can and calm (I know easier said than done), since you’re pregnant now and there’s nothing more on your power you can do! I really hope your doctors get back to you soon and do everything in his power to clear things out this time! I’m having everything crossed for you! Congratulations babe

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4 years ago • Post starter

Agatch- I will test most likely test next week if AF doesn't show. Af is due in 4 days according to CTP or 7 according to my app.
It's been h*ll for me yesterday. First my friend from school was rushed to the hospital by ambulance due to blacking out for no reason at her work computer and heart palpitations. Then my mom had her mri results back yesterday and she now needs surgery as she tore her shoulder in 2 places. She was working and fell down the stairs and as that was happening, she grabbed the railing with her right arm and it ripped her shoulder. Next step is to see an orthopedic surgeon for surgery.
Otherwise, I'm good. Its cd21 and 7dpo. Woke up feeling twinges in my right side. Boobs are still sore and the nips are sensitive still. Pronounced veins the last 2 days and this morning came sharp stabbing pains in my right boob.

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4 years ago • Edited

Thanks Alex! I really appreciate your support once again. I heard back from my doctor’s office today and unfortunately they don’t recommend any tests (she said she didn’t think testing progesterone was necessary right now) except for getting my hCG levels now and in 48 hrs but I don’t really see the point because it doesn’t sound like it would tell me anything I’m not going to find out with an hpt and it doesn’t sound like they would do anything if we see that my levels are not going up fast enough. So I guess here is to waiting once more. The good news is that they got the last results of the blood tests I did a couple weeks ago and everything came back looking normal (thyroid, testosterone, blot clotting markers and karyotype) and everything came back normal. My test tonight was darker than yesterday so that’s something but I’m only 10 dpo.
How is everyone else doing?

4 years ago

Hberry I’m so sorry for your mother. I hope she recovers soon. I believe 7dpo is way too early to have strong symptoms and I remember last cycle you were also symptom spotting and it gave you such a disappointment. I just wanna say don’t read too much on symptoms hun since our bodies are preparing for pregnancy each month either way. Also when ttc we tend to have placebo symptoms. Happend to me a lot in the past so now I will only log a symptom if it never happened or if it is too strange for me! Of course hopefully for you this time it is indeed pregnancy symptoms and you’ll get your bfp soon.

Omg Agatch aren’t you frustrated? I would be so mad that the doctors aren’t willing to investigate and prevent anything bad. I really don’t understand doctors, seriously! The amazing thing on this situation is that your previous results came back good so that is some great news and hopefully the little bean is getting really cozy in there now! I’m having all my positive energy on you!!

AFM I’m on my fertile days and I probably will ovulate either tomorrow or the next day. RE said that we should bd everyday so that’s what I’m planning to do! According to my past cycle I will most probably ovulate from my wrong side but I don’t have any indicative pains yet!
Last night I saw that I took a digi and said that my levels were 1248 but I wasn’t pregnant and that I should ask for medical assistance. Lol don’t ask how a single digi said all that lol I have crazy dreams ok?

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4 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!
Sorry for being quiet! You know life takes Over sometimes! How is everyone doing? I hope you’re all keeping safe!

I’m on CD11, got a negative ovulation test yesterday but having loads of egg white cm today so not sure what this is about! I don’t normally get it until CD13-14. Baby dancing has begun anyway

4 years ago

Alex- Thanks. It could've been worse I guess, she could've ended up dead. It happened at work.My friend is in a pretty bad situation herself with the heart problems and blacking out. That never happened to her before. I'm not really dwelling on the symptoms. Im just logging and keeping track for my records.
Its cd22 and 8dpo with AF due in 3 days or 6 days.

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4 years ago • Edited

Agatch If It were me, I would look into finding an independent lab? I went to access lab, walked in, had my progesterone drawn, and only paid $35. I just don't understand why a Dr. wont test. I would honestly look into other Dr.s I am a firm Believer in progesterone helping. Mine was only at 10 when my Dr. Put me on it and I insisted that it be tested. And then made them test again to find out they needed to up my dosage. I don't know if I would have carried to term without it. But there are labs out there that will draw labs without a script. We have one in our Mall in Joplin Mo


4 years ago • Edited

@Hberry I’m sorry about your mom and friend. I hope your mom surgery goes well and that she recovers quickly. And I also hope that figure out what is going on with your friend and that she gets better soon.
@Kyla you’ll probably get a + O test tomorrow. I usually get 2 days of EWCM and my ovulation test only turns positive the next day and then I O the day after that so EWCM is usually 3 and 4 days before O for me
@Alex I was a bit annoyed that I couldn’t ask questions because I was talking to the admin person who was only relating info from the dr but to be honest I didn’t have very high expectations in the 1st place so I am not very surprised. The US medical system is great if you end up in the ICU after a severe accident but when it comes to management of chronic health issues and prevention, it often falls short in my experience so I’ve learned to just do the research myself and look for alternative ways to take care of myself and my family. Thanks for the positive energy!
@Mill thanks for the suggestion. I need to do a bit more research today about progesterone to see if I want to go get it tested at an independent lab. I don’t think I have any of the signs of low progesterone but it may be worth checking anyway. I don’t really want to look for a new doctor now because I am moving in a few weeks so I’ll have to change anyway. It’s all just weird timing!

4 years ago

@agatch oh okay thanks so much! I usually get ovulation pain too and haven’t had any twinges so far. According to period tracker apps they predict that I will ovulate on Sunday so this makes sense. Thank you again! Xx

4 years ago

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