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Cycle buddies!

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I ovulated on January 28th, cd 16 which makes me 4 DPO. Any cycle buddies out there?!?!

My chart

106 Replies • 12 years ago



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hi ladies(:

Can I join? I am ttc for March and hopefully have a December baby. I took two months off from trying bc my cycle went from 28 days to 30-34 currently on a 32/33 day cycle if Aunt Flow decided to visit tomorrow or the 1st. Now that its regular again I feel this month is the month for all of us (but that could just be my high hopes lol)
I really feel support will get me through whatever happens this month.
I am also going to better my chances with:
Green tea, prenatal, and super b complex and c daily while taking Korean ginseng and grapefruit seeds from Cd6 - O (GF seeds maybe until next cycle). I hope this is it ladies.

12 years ago

Eden - Sorry the witch got you. Sending dust your way for you next cycle.

efuabarimah - I'm hanging in there:) Itching to POAS! lol

kde2011 - Welcome! Thanks for joining in!
for you! I also used green tea, prenatals, vitamin b, and was already taking vitamin c (with my iron). I also used muciinex, preseed and acupuncture. I've never heard of korean ginseng or grapefruit seeds. Sounds intriguing!

My chart

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies

Checking in tonight. I got a positive O test yesterday and we bd last night. Today I feel some pain on the lower abdomen on the right side side, I've heard that it could be o pain so we will bd tonight again to increase our chances.

Still drinking my fertilitea and I am also trying preseed...wish me luck!

I will be joining tomorrow the TWW...


Wishing for my miracle.

12 years ago

Just stopping by to say hi!!
Welcome kde I hope all you lovely ladies are doing great, keep your heads up in the 2ww, I hope we get some s up in here asap!
I'm just here, waiting to ovulate, cd5 and popping pills like a crazy person this ttc thing gets crazy sometimes
to us all
You are all in my prayers!


User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

hey all, this cycle i got my positive OPK ,yesterday afternoon, on day 10 ,normally it is 14-19 day,DTD yesterday evening, and gonna do it tonight also,joining 2ww from 2mrw ,BABY DUST to all

12 years ago

A warm welcome to all the new cycle buddies. Well I decided to check in tonight as I'm virtually at the end of my cycle (13 dpo and cd 26 today). No AF yet but feeling crampy off and on. Still keeping my faith on this. tested 11 and 12 dpo, both s. Will try again first thing in the am when AF hasn't shown up. Hope all you ladies are doing good, keeping you always in my thoughts and prayers. Now let the s begin. s and to everyone!

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12 years ago

Happy Sunday everyone! It's a beautiful sunny and warm day here in So Cal. I feel great today, I'm officially on my 5DPO and have no symptoms except for backache which I've had since O day.

I hope everyone is doing great and start posting your s

and think positive


Wishing for my miracle.

12 years ago

Hey there hopingforthebest! Best wishes!

I am 9 DPO and have had a plethora of symptoms that don't really seem to make sense. I think I started spotting today which would suck most because that means I have a short luteal phase. If that is the case I will definitely schedule an appt with my Dr. Hope all is well for all you ladies here.

My chart

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Kimasha, good to hear from you. I've read that spotting around 9/10 DPO or thereabouts might actually be implantation spotting so let's keep hoping for that BFP.
I'm out this month. The got me but hey who knows what's in store for me next cycle right? Wishing everyone the best and let the s flow (no pun intended).

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12 years ago

Hey efuabarimah! Long time no talk. I'm sorry the got you this month. I kind of thought about the implantation thing but decided not to get my hopes up. Then I woke up this morning to a .3 temp drop. I'm still above the cover line but definitely feel that AF is on the way instead of BFP. I have decided though that if the does show then I will start working out seriously to lose some weight and see if that will help. I was gonna start last week but was afraid it would affect implantation. So working out in conjunction with herbs this month that I will get from the acupuncturist and we will see how March will turn out for us. I would really like to see some 's in here to all of you lovely ladies!

My chart

12 years ago • Post starter

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