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BYOB: We Need Some BFPs!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I am 28, and dh is 29
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby
I got my BFP on June 30th 2011
Went for an u/s b/c of spotting on Aug 12 2011 @ 10 weeks
Baby only measured 8 weeks with no heartbeat
M/c began Aug 18th
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")
I FINALLY got my 1st af on Nov 17th
I couldnt ttc the last 2 cycles, but we are hoping to be back at it this cycle!
I am currently on cd11
Right now I am taking my prenatal vitamin, my iron suppliment, and am chartting my bbt. I plan on using opks this weekend (hoping dh will be home in time for O) and when we bd we will use preseed!

Wow thats getting to be a loooooong into!!

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!

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264 Replies • 12 years ago



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Good luck Jill! I hope you come back with good news!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Jil-totally understand your need to stop focusing on actively ttc. Take care and wishing you the best until your return!

rmorgan- Glad your dr's are working with you, and hope that dh's sa turns out well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

afm-just having a nice lazy Saturday although I'm not feeling that great. Really hoping that I'm not coming down with the virus that seems to be making the rounds...that would not help with ovulation time!!

Hope everyone's having a great weekend.

12 years ago

Oh no! Hope you don't get sick! Sending healthy vibes your way!

Good weekend so far I guess, got to get out and shoot some college baseball today (I'm a free-lance photographer)

But as for my TWW I'm going insane. Took my extra sensitive HPT this morning and came back with a BFN as well as this afternoon another BFN!

I know I know, I'm only 9dpo but with this brand A LOT of women at least get a faint positive after 9dpo, but I checked the stats out here online with this brand and the % really goes up on 10dpo with this test.

So I'm trying to keep THINKING POSITIVE but I just don't know, my spirits are down, don't know why I torture myself!

12 years ago

Jil-Good luck and I hope the break brings good news

Robyn-Thats the spirit thinking positive! Only early days yet but I hope you get your real soon.

Hoping-That sounds like a great way to spend the day I might have to do the same today!

AFM-Well today I have decided as its my day off I am going to have a lazy day and try to not think about ttc or specifically when I am going to O! time to switch off. See you tomorrow ladies

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12 years ago


Today I had another BFN 10dpo with FMU today with the 20mUI/ml strips.

Still trying not to get down. Lots of women don't have enough HCG to register until they've missed their period, and I keep telling myself that OVER and OVER and OVER again.

So I'm having to look at it like this: If most women only have 50ml HCG on the day their period is supposed to start and HCG is supposed to double every other day then two days before your period you should have 25ml or less of HCG and 4 days before it would be around 12.5 and wouldn't even register on a very sensitive dip strip.

I have to keep reminding myself that because I'm not supposed to start until Feb. 18, I have a 16 day luteal phase this cycle so even though I'm 10dpo I've got another 6 days until AF is supposed to show.

Maybe I can convince myself to wait another 4 days to test again, that way if I get a BFN I can pretty much guarantee it's it for me this month. -SIGH-

It's been the worst TWW ever!!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

morgan - I would definitely try waiting, if you can, gets pretty depressing seeing bfn after bfn....

crnottle - Hope you enjoyed lazy day!

hoping - hope you're feeling better!

AFM - 6dpo today, and as much as I am trying not to track symptoms I couldnt help but notice how many times I've had to pee today!! I was working at a cheerleading competition and usually I go once during the entire thing (I've been doing them about 10 years) and today I had to go FOUR times! LoL! I am sure it isnt a sign or anything, but thought it was amusing!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I for one am glad it's over!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Rmorgan-hang in there! 10 dpo is still really early, you may not have even had implantation yet. Crossing my fingers for you!

Joy-too funny about peeing so often-that's how I am all the time-so annoying!

afm, my relaxing weekend did not turn out to be as relaxing as I had hoped. I felt sick most of the weekend and had the worst timing ever with bd!! Last night my phone kept ringing right in the middle of bding, and I can't turn my phone off b/c sometimes I get calls about work emergencies. So I actually had to answer the call about work and dh and I were both so frustrated afterwards that we couldn't even get back to bding!! Such a frustrating night, but I just have to laugh. Got a smileyface this morning, so hopefully we can bd uninterrupted tonight and still catch the egg. Really hope we didn't miss our chance this month!! oh the stories I can only tell all of you!!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Happy Monday!! (Well it is for me anyway... so glad that damn competiton is over!)

hoping - Sorry to hear you guys kept getting interrupted! Hopefully today will work out better for you!

AFM - My bbt dropped WAY down below coverline today. I am only 7dpo so I dont think it could be af... maybe all my dreaming last night screwed me up or something? I didnt chart it yesterday cause I was up too early, but the day before it was 97.9F and today it dropped all the way down to 97.07! What the heck is that about??

I am getting a little nervous about Wednesday... gotta go to the doctor and get some bloodwork done to make sure I havent contracted anything from the blood transfusions.

Anyone have anything exciting planned for Valentine's Day?
Dh and I are going out shopping (my birthstone ring comes in tomorrow!) then we are going out for a nice dinner.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Well today is my 2nd high temp after a temp spike yesterday so I am thinking that I am in my TWW finally but will confirm tomorrow after the 3rd high temp. Really weird though as I never got a +OPK but I was using my Ovatel and had full ferning not last night but the night before. We BD yesterday morning so I hope we caught the egg.

As for Valentineâ??s Day its settlement day for the block of land that we just brought and Iâ??m very excited about that. Unfortunately DH is working a night shift so no going out for dinner for us this year

Joy- I had a great relaxing day thanks As for your temp drop it could be an implantation dip Good luck with Wednesday Iâ??m sure itâ??s just routine and you have nothing to worry about but I know the feeling as I went through the same thing when I was 16

hoping- Sorry to hear that you are sick Hope you are feeling better soon It really turns the mood off when the phone keeps ringing but I hope you catch the egg today


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12 years ago

well, i tried to stay away from the site for as long as i could. didn't last very long. i feel better being here though.

i stopped bleeding today. i dont know which tool to believe when it comes to my ovulation date though. CTP says i ovulate on the 17th (though looking at my signature i ovulate on the 21st), pink pad says the 17th, what to expect fertility tracker says the 18th, and period diary says the 22nd.

im going to assume sometime between the 17th and the 22. but im going to bd everyday starting tomorrow.

anyone else have this kind of discrepancy?

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12 years ago

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