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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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Jgroves, welcome and GL!

SM, welcome and baby dust! I too conceived in March and m/c at 10 1/2 weeks in may. Sorry for your loss.

AFM, not a sign in sight that this m/c is going to start. She told me since my levels had dropped so rapidly she would expect it very soon... that was Monday. I know I am being impatient but I really just want to be able to process, mourn and then make my decisions on what is next for us. Ugh. Sorry just needed to vent for a minute.

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10 years ago

Jgroves, welcome and GL!

SM, welcome and baby dust! I too conceived in March and m/c at 10 1/2 weeks in may. Sorry for your loss.

AFM, not a sign in sight that this m/c is going to start. She told me since my levels had dropped so rapidly she would expect it very soon... that was Monday. I know I am being impatient but I really just want to be able to process, mourn and then make my decisions on what is next for us. Ugh. Sorry just needed to vent for a minute.

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10 years ago

Cristi: Vent as much as you need to. We're hear for you *hugs*

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I've been lurcking in the back drop since I had to take a break from TTC for the month of September. I recently had stage 2 cervical cancer removed and my doc told me to take a month off.

She called me the other day and said, if we wanted to continue TTC we could start after AF this cycle. Well AF ended 2 days ago and i'm on CD 6. So the hubbs and I are going to try again. This will be cycle 21 for DH and I and we couldn't be more happy to try again.

I was going to ask what everyone thought about PreSeed and if anyone was successful with it, but 1stTTC kind of answered my question...I see you were very successful sweetie. I wish you a and please stick around and spread the baby dust.

@Cristi - I'm so sorry for your 3rd loss in 10 months. You have the strongest soul of anyone I have ever met and I know in my heart that one day very soon you will be able to hold that little miracle in your arms.

A little about me.....I just turned 28 on 9/28 and DH will be 29 on 10/8. We live on the west coast of Florida and love it here. Although I'm originally from Michigan and miss the changing fall colors and the snow....We have been TTC since February 2012 with no success. I have a history of Mild to Severe Endometriosis and that seems to be hindering our abilities. My doc seems to be dragging her feet with helping us. I recently had bloodwork done and all my levels came back normal. Now we just need DH to be tested.

Good Luck Ladies and

10 years ago

fiverson09 - this last cycle was my first time using preseed...(loved it) and it seems to have worked (got my BFP last week). I have had a little bit drier CM since DS was born, so I had a feeling that might have been an issue. Welcome and good luck!

10 years ago

Cristi: We are all here for you! Vent all you want! Are you also doing all the natural stuff, I understand that a lot of it is to reduce the risk of m/c, I am sorry if I am overstepping here, I just really want to help and not sure how.

Myluckyduck: I definitely see a line, and tons of your way!

Nashville: Most common day for implantation spotting is 9DPO, so that is not so late. Hopefully this is your month. and your way.

GVMDL: I picked up everything except for royal jelly, they were out so this is one thing I am not taking this month but I have everything else and I started yesterday on CD1 so I am full of hope again, thank you so so much for your help with that. Do you drink the RRL tea once or twice a day? I got the loose tea and was wondering if you know how much is enough?

1st: Welcome and thank you for being here to give us all baby vibes.

jgroves and SM 1976: Welcome! Hopefully this is our month here, and you will be part of the s who will stick. Thank you for sharing your stories, I guess I will share mine at the bottom since I did not do it yet. Horrible manners I have .

fiverson: Welcome back, this looks like a good month with many new faces. and your way. Two Libras, got to be your month.

AFM: This is CD2. And I officially have a pharmacy, the amount of pills I have to swallow, although natural, in total size are almost bigger than a meal. But I have new hope, and even my DH agreed to take what I give his as long as I prepare them for him the night before so I am happy there too.

Can anyone provide some information on preseed? Hear the name a lot, worth trying? When to use?

So I realized I did not share my story. For the interested, here it is. I will be 29 in a couple of weeks, DH is 32. We met 8.5 years ago and the moment I saw him I just knew he was the one. We have been together and lived together from that day (that was in Israel). 4 months later he followed me to Canada where we got married 4 months later. We wanted kinds from the beginning but kept putting it off because I was in school all this time. Well in December 2012 I was finally done with school and started prenatals. January 2013 was our first official month trying and it has been a very emotional ride for me with cycles moving from 26-47 days. But every month starts with new hope and energies. DH is the kind of person who just takes things as they come so he is not worried at all. In a very very short version this is our story.

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10 years ago

Jenavee - Thanks for the input. I've noticed that since getting off BC a few years ago that my CM hasn't been as plentiful. So, with your's and 1stTTC's success, I think we may give Preseed a shot. Hopefully it works for us like it did you. Congrats and !

10 years ago

Kot: i got the tea bags. I do once a day, but makes me incredibly crampy. Then when i cant handle the cramps i do every other day or two days.
it is strong for me. First month made me have ovulation spotting which in all these years i never had. Read somewhere that it means strong ovulation ...
But i didnt conceive either....
Fx for all of us!

Welcome ladies!!!!!

Glad to have several cycle buddies! Yay!!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey Girls
I am technically still on the June Board but since the Doc determined that I didn't ovulate this cycle I am just waiting for AF to arrive, Yeah I still get it, which they say is a good thing. Hopefully she comes sooner rather than later so I can get the HSG done and over with. DH went and saw the Male Fertility MD and he had blood work done and we are going back tonight for an US. He said IUI will be our best option. So Hopefully October will be our Magical Month and I will ovulate! Maybe first IUI at the end of November!

Just Lurking for now!

Magical BabyDust to everyone!!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

kotikd- preseed is one of the only sperm safe lubricants that can be used when TTC. You can get it online or in drugstores and places like Wal-Mart. It helps provide you with on the spot cm which helps the sperm travel better to the egg. It's used just like other lubricants, except you can use it internally as well.

10 years ago

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