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Trying to Stave off Insanity

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So I guess I've been here for almost and year and have more or less just used the calendar and tracking tools. Time to step out of my box so I stop feeling like I'm alone when I know I'm not.

I was crushed when AF showed up yesterday morning.
Then today we got word that our best friends who were TTC #2 have already achieved success after just a month or 2.

There is no comparison. All the bloodwork, HSG, DH's stuff has all come out perfect. Nothing is physically or hormonally an issue.

LEEPS many years ago may be a partial road block - so tomorrow I take my first Femera pill as we prepare for IUI hopefully soon.

My cycles in the last 10 months have ranged from 32 to 40 days. THe Idea of ovulating in the teen days versus the twenties seems surreal. I am hoping to make some new friends and to be able to share success and maybe learn some ways to keep my mind occupied. We are going to a wedding this coming weekend - we won't be able to be active much while away - which is a bit frustrating. But I will be hopeful.

We will achieve a BFP in 2012. I can do this without going crazy.

Thanks for letting me Babble

106 Replies • 11 years ago



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71 - 80 of 106 Replies | Last Page

Bowbow, your work out schedule shows great discipline! And BeccaLynn, cardio every day? That impressive. I run a few times a week, and try to do weights at least twice. My softball season is now over, which is a huge relief to me. I'm so scared of collisions with base runners, now that I'm pregnant. Earlier this season, I got bowled over by a girl with at least sixty pounds on me. Last night, I totally blew a play at shortstop because I was afraid of running into the baserunner. Oh well, we still won and it was the championship game!

BeccaLynn, in love that you craft with your mom! That is so sweet! Did you get any crafting in yesterday? It sounds like a crazy time of the month for trying to do your regular job and getting ready for a fair.

Northernbabydream, what's up with you? Were you taking a break until you moved? When is that again? Just want to stay up to date!

Have a great day ladies!

11 years ago

I am out. AF arrived yesterday. is this ever going to happen.


11 years ago

Sending you strength and support Bowbow from across the miles.

11 years ago

*hugs* Yes Bowbow it will. I feel the same way and I am so afraid to hope. I should know by Saturday next week and I am starting to get nervous.

Crafting in C. Springs with my mom right now. It is a good distraction - that and having a condo I need to sell but no one wants to buy. Need that exepense gone before we have the little pitter patter of feet.

Prayers, love and hope for all of us..


11 years ago • Post starter

hi everyone. thank you for the kind words. i hope that next month works. We have just booked a holiday to a greek island, we fly out next week and i am hoping that whilst we are away, we will both be more relaxed and it will work. fingers crossed. i will be taking my ovulation testers with me.

hope everyone is well.

11 years ago

Sounds like a WONDERFUL trip BowBow - I'm jealous!!

I am officially moved into my new desk at work after a very LONG weekend. My head hurts like made and I've had a few cramps, but they don't feel like AF cramp and they are constant.

I am so frustrated - I lost my little baby feet pin that I've been wearing everyday this month. DH did make a nice comment - he said maybe it was God's way of telling me I don't need my good luck charm anymore. I HOPE its true.

I spent Saturday with my mom and Sunday was spent cleaning up my craft room. Now to crank out some work and stay busy and keep my mind occupied.

How goes things with you Beatrice? How are you Northern?

11 years ago • Post starter

The Greek Islands!!! That sounds amazing! I hope you have a wonderful time Bowbow!

BeccaLynn, what kinds of cramps are you feeling? I got these funny twinges while I was in Canada with my parents. Then when I got back, I tested positive. I also had funny almost cramps for the first week and a half after getting the positive test.

AFM, I'm feeling pretty low energy. I went for a run this morning. Then early this afternoon, I put together a new cat condo for my fur babies, Edward and Bella. I was so exhaust, I took a nap! Now I'm trying to gear up to think about making dinner. Can't believe the day is almost over! Reminds me of The Flintstones when Fred and Barmey would wait for the five o'clock bell to ring before they could go home!

11 years ago

Beatrice - the cramps just sometimes feel like pressure with sharp twinges and it seems to switch from side to side a bit. Been a bit more constant this morning.

I worked an 11 hour day yesterday and then sat and crocheted for 3 hours at home.... and Hubby had to get up early for his work today - so I got into my work at 7:30 (don't have to be here until 9). I have slept very hard the last 2 nights and I get a lot done, but I wouldn't say I'm energetic - just plugging away.

Does not feel like AF at this time, I usually don't get cramps but things have been different with taking the hormones and I'm sure I'm more nervous/stressed about the show this weekend and finding out if we were successful than I realize. Is it possible I am just calm and okay with it all?

Anyways... now to pull my reports and crack the whip on myself. short work week and lot to get done before the holiday weekend.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone, I've been away on a kayaking trip. Did me a world of good to get away for a few days! I'm at CD 11 now, so the Bd'ing is on.

BeccaLynn, I'm excited for you - I really hope this is it for you! How many days til you test?

Bowbow, have a great trip!

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11 years ago

Okay - so I'm out AF hit Sunday morning.

The nurse who drew my blood Friday afternoon bruised my arm horrible and called me at 9am as I arrived at day 2 of the convention I was doing and literrally said "I know it's bummer news" after telling me my test was negative.

Femera does is upped to 7.5 Mgs starting tonight.
Ultrasound scheduled for 8am 9-14.

Here is the 3rd time being the charm.

I need to lessen my stress and make sure my DH is prepared to deal with the hormones. Last month we had some major fights after the IUI was done.. sure that didn't help things at all.

11 years ago • Post starter

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