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TTC #2 again

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On august 11th i took my last birth control pill after taking them for a year. We had been TTCing for over 2½ years without anything happening and decided to take a break for a year, mostly because I only had a year left of my studies. And that year has passed and we are officially TTCing again. I was expecting to start spotting or that AF would show up shortly after taking the last pill, since that's how my body reacted when I had me IUD (Mirena) removed when we started TTCing #2 the first round. But it seems like my body had other plans this time. A few days ago I started having some light cramps, like I do before AF shows. So I thought she were on her way. But then it went from light cramps to my regular OV-pain and I had a ton of ewcm. The pain stopped today, so I'm counting this as 1 dpo. It remains to be seen wether I actually ovulated or not. But hopefully it means my body will be back on track. And more hopefully, it won't take too long before I get my BFP.

115 Comments • 4 years ago



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Well, now I'm confused. 17 dpo and still no sign of af. Took an ic this morning and actually saw something, but faint. Bought another brand and tested when I got home from work, but that test were almost impossible to read.. I'm going to take my "frer" tomorrow and see. If that's negative, then the line on the ic this morning were definitely fake.

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3 years ago • Post starter

This is the ic I took this morning. I thought it would be darker by now.. Not used to be in this situation.

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3 years ago • Post starter


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3 years ago • Post starter

Still in limbo.. 18 dpo with no period and no clear bfp. Got a squinter on the early one. Have som slight spotting today, but that could be from yesterday's sex since I got some pink afterwards when I wiped. Am going to keep testing and if my period haven't arrived until sunday I'm trying my digital.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Up close.

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3 years ago • Post starter

This is the other brand. Super hard to read, so definitely not buying them ever again!

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3 years ago • Post starter

So, 19 dpo today.. No tests left besides the digital and I'm not going to waste that right now. My spotting has increased and looks exactly like it does before af shows up. Not sure what this cycle is to be honest. Even though I'm very regular it could still be a wacky cycle with me ovulating later than normal and this is just af. OR it's a chemical. Either way it's going the end the same anyway.

3 years ago • Post starter

I guess the ic strip must have been an evap of some sort. Started bleeding early this morning. It was more likely a late ovulation rather than a chemical pregnancy. I almost always have two days of spotting before af starts and I got that this time too, only almost a week later. I'm going to start my ashwagandha+maca+artic root this cycle and do some OPK too, so I know when to stop with the artic root.

3 years ago • Post starter

CD 8 today and af is finally over since yesterday. Have started taking my maca, ashwagandha and artic root. Will keep taking it up until positive OPK, which I guess will be around cd 18 since maca can delay ovulation (at least for me) a few days. We'll see how it goes this cycle.

3 years ago • Post starter

Good luck this cycle and keeping my fingers crossed that you get your bases covered and you catch the egg.

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3 years ago

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