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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@Football - Love the ultrasound pic's. That is funny about the vulcan hand gestures he was doing. I bet with the holidays time will fly and your baby will be here before you know it.

@Lschrader - Your message to me made me totally cry. :( Thank you for your encouraging words. I hope your dh baby dreams is good news. I can't wait to hear your update on Sat when you test. When did the dr's tell you to take a hpt? I'm glad your moving on to a different facility with dr's who will treat you with attention, compassion and understanding.

AFM - I'm on cd 10 today. I enter my fertile week Sunday - Thursday. Maybe I will get stuffed properly on thanksgiving.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Miracle I love that get properly stuffed this thanksgiving! So do I mrs, you deserve it!

LSchrader my first midwife appointment isnt until 7 weeks but the will be early to check everything's going as it should. I think I'll be referred to consultant at hospital midwife says so we shall see. Glad your moving clinics for somewhere you feel more comfortable and more reputable. Can't wait for you to test Saturday!

Football- EDD Will be July 25th. Not writing anything down as I'm not jinxing this little bean! The 3d ultrasound pics are awesome! Just love that lil dude with his cute smile and gestures! Well done on passing your exam

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9 years ago

Good Morning! Sorry for not checking in too much, it's been a whirl wind of events and/or cake making. Lol

So I dropped in to say hi and that I dreamed Two BFP's about 2-3 nights ago. The very next morning, one of our veterans direct messaged that she was 1 day late. Of course me being the poas addict made her test and BFN. I felt terrible & said to myself "Angee you big mouth, telling her about a stupid dream" ...I beat myself up all night. Yesterday in the morning, I got another message and BFP !!!!!! Happy Dance!!! I can't say who ladies, I'll let her drop in when she's ready but the point of my story is there's another BFP out there...and isn't @lsch post IUI ....just saying.

@football 3D looks awesome!!

@athena Congratulations on the weight loss!!! I think I found what you lost. Eli is just adorable!!!

@rebecca The video with Titis and your daughter is just adorable!! My heart just melted when he reached up and touched her face...��

@bean Congratulations!!!! Your baby is a Leo, lots of fight in that bean, he/she will be snug tight in there, we declare it in the Lord's name right now.

@sky Oliver!!!! OMG!! Those eyes...he is your twin and he's gorgeous!

Now one thing I have to say is this forum sure does produce some beautiful kids!!! These boys are so damn handsome!!!! I tell you, every time one of you ladies post a picture, it makes me smile & keeps me Inspired!!!

@miracle some how we made it back to the same cycle!!! and guess what just in time for me because....Drum Roll....


9 years ago

@LSchrader- You and your DH are and will continue to be in my prayers (you too, @Miracle!!). I'm glad you're being proactive about which office you use and I hope that the new place makes you feel better and gives you the results you want/deserve. (Unless of course you're gonna get your BFP in a few days...)

@Miracle- @LSchrader said it best. We all love you and my heart aches for you knowing all of the pain and struggling you're going through. You have gotten a BFP before, though. It IS possible. And I personally don't think God would do that and then take it away and never allow you that happiness again. I know it may feel that all the odds are against you, but I promise you anything is possible through Him. I'm glad that you have work to keep you busy and I hope you and your DP are able to enjoy your upcoming fertile period. I LOVE your stuffing comment!!!

@Pisces- Nice to hear from you! I am SOOOOO happy that your husband is coming home in TWO DAYS! Fantastic news. Now get busy ;)

@Athena- You really look fantastic. Motherhood agrees with you! I admire your efforts and desire to get healthy and change your lifestyle.

@Rebecca- How're you? How's your DD/DS? Hopefully things have calmed down for your family a little bit!

@Skyline- How are you?! And baby Oliver? He really does look just like you- and he gives the cutest little facial expressions!

@Bean- I am just so happy for you. How're you feeling? When's your first appointment? Midwife, right?

What's everyone doing for Thanksgiving? Anything fun? I can't wait to have a few days school/work free with my hubs and his family (and amazing food). We're going up to Jacksonville (where both of our families are from/live). I just realized too that baby will be here 10 weeks (unless I go into labor before being induced). That is insane. I am SO not ready!!! But I can't wait to meet him...ahh, mixed emotions.

P.S. Congratulations to the mystery veteran who got a BFP! I hope you reveal yourself soon :)

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9 years ago

@football lucky you pregnant and thanksgiving are the best combination since Sunny & Cher!!! Delicious food, family, and getting to eat as much as you want!!! #lucky youngest daughter was born on Nov. 29th almost a month early, my ex father in laws swears to this day that it's because I ate too much I ate like it was the Last Supper that day. #shame

We aren't doing much, just hanging around. Glad you will be visiting family, I wish mine was closer

9 years ago

@miracle-I hope you are doing well lady. Fertile week, Fertile week WOOOP WOOOP! Get it girl! I love that you and Pisces are going to be on the same cycle! that is freaking awesome and meant to be!! I am so relieved about changing offices. I have found two ladies who went to the clinic we will be going to and loved it. Such a weight lifted. I hope DH's dreams are telling as well. We shall see. I feel the witch looming.

@bean-Excited! Hope your mini bean is just cooking away!!!

@pisces- Oh goodness gracious! I can't wait to hear who it is!!! Congrats mystery! That is what i am calling her :) Ha, well that would just be amaze-balls. I sure hope its correct. Assuming your dream was just about two BFP's, and not two specific people. I hate to say it, but I think AF is right around the corner :(

Um YAY! DH is coming home! That is insane!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!!!!!

@football-I seriously cannot believe how fast your pregnancy is flying by. I swear it was just last month that you popped in saying.....uh...ladies?! ha. We are going to do T-day with my family and then we are heading over the mountains to Lake Chelan to my husband's families. We go there often as his aunt and uncle just built a new cabin (really a house) on the lake. Will be a nice getaway!

AFM-Well ladies, since Wednesday my back has been really hurting me. Normally it doesn't hurt like this until AF is here. But this morning i noticed some tinged CM while doing a little internal check. A streak of pink too. So i am pretty sure she is on her way. I am CD28 today, but only 12dpo. I figured since I o'd so late (IUI CD16), AF wouldn't show up until at least Sunday or Monday. I think it's probably too late for IB and i feel like af. BUT that is ok. I am moving on. We are really excited about our new clinic, and if our new doctor tells us IVF, we are doing it. We will need to save up for a bit, but that will be our next move. We are excited for it.

9 years ago

@Pisces- I've only gained 7 pounds this pregnancy, and I'm planning on changing that at Thanksgiving hahahah! My mother in law is a fabulous cook, so I'm really excited that I get to eat her food. My parents live in Utah now, though, so unfortunately I won't get to see them (The rest of my family is in Jacksonville, but I don't really like them...they're crazy haha). BUT, my mom's coming out in a few weeks for my graduation!! That's so funny about your ex FIL and your DD! I hope that isn't the case for me!! You'll have your hubby with you :) :) Weren't you planning on doing a little surprise something for him Sunday, too?

@LSchrader- I missed responding to you because we responded at the same time! Oops..Trust me, I can't believe how fast it's flying by either. It kinda makes me sad because I know once he's here, it's going to go by even quicker. I'm sorry that it's not looking like your cycle. That is just so frustrating. I had some pink tinged CM my BFP cycle, though. That's why I wore tampons..I was expecting her to show up, and here I you never know :) How many more IUI cycles are you going to try before doing IVF? This new clinic sounds much better. And your Thanksgiving sounds like it'll be fun, too!

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9 years ago

@football-I dont know how many cycles we will go. If this new doctor honestly says IVF, then I think we will go straight to that. We won't be doing a treatment in December because of timing. But that is ok...with Xmas, it would be too expensive anyway. It all works out! Oh that is good to know! I know a lot of women spot in early pregnant, but since i do every month it is pretty normal. It's pretty much gone now so we will see. I have been feeling queasy the last two days, but that could easily be a bug going around as well. We will see! I hope you have a great weekend!

9 years ago

@Pisces - Yippie! So happy your DH is FINALLY coming home "just in time to knock you up".. lol Yep, we are on the same cycle again... :) Can't wait to hear who the mystery bfp is? I'm sure it's symptom police.. hey maybe jsxt? Is it someone who already had a baby and is having another one? Ok, my detective side is coming out.. Very nice to hear from you.

@Lschrader - Sounds like you have a really good attitude about it all right now. Happy to hear that if not preggers this cycle your moving on to IVF. Queasy huh? Hmm? Can't wait to find out either way very soon.

@Football - Thank you for the kind words. Only 7lbs.. wow.. I gain that in one week from eating too much. you have a great metabolism and you're super lucky.

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9 years ago • Post starter

@football actually yes, surprise party tomorrow. MY MIL, his aunt, and a long time family friend are coming in from Brooklyn. His troops and a few friends are also stopping in. My girls are going shuffle everyone in while I get him from the airport. he thinks he's surprising the girls and we are all surprising him... #sneaky he is a two time Iraqi Freedom Vet and he has been on several other deployments and no one has ever made a big deal when he came home but that all changes tomorrow.

@lsch I am also shopping around for a place to do IUI and/or IVF. There are several overseas companies pursuing my DH and he may be gone again by Feb. I know it is a huge sacrifice but we agreed that we would keep trying via IUI while he is gone. By February he may be gone again...we don't know yet.

As for our mystery lady, I was hoping she would stop in but bad news ladies...AF showed i full force yesterday, she thinks it was an evap or bad test but i think chemical. what I saw on the picture was hands down a BFP.

The other one in my dream was a very string BFP.

@lsch I really hope it was you. I have to get with you and get the full details of IUI. Its looking like thats what its going to be with me.

@bean when is your appointment again? I am interested in the midwife, are they better than a regular doctor? with my last DD, I had a nurse practitioner, she did not deliver but she did everything else. she was awesome because, she actually listened to me & not running me in & out of appt.'s like the other doctors.

@miracle no its not @jsx although I wish she would stop in and say hey. This is one of our ladies that has been trying but took herself out of the game for a while. Yes Ladybug, he's finally coming home even its only until Feb. I am so excited, I can not sleep.

Thank of you for getting me through this last 10 months!!

AFM: making the cakes today, one will be a tribute to his service, the camouflage BDU shirt and the other will be a man's shirt will tie to symbolize his start as civilian. I am so nervous as to how they will turn out....wish me luck ladies.

9 years ago

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