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4 dpo today join me in your 2WW

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Good afternoon Ladies :) i had a miscarriage August 2016 and been trying to get pregnant ever since. today is 4 dpo and I'm tired, gassy and have tender breasts. keeping my that this will be our month.
everyone around me is having babies lol I have been giving them all of my baby stuff from last year. my friends keeps saying that as soon as i give away the last item that i will get pregnant. One of my coworkers had a baby 2 weeks ago. Im going to give her the rest of the stuff. We shall see ....we shall see : ))

71 Replies • 7 years ago



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@RubyG, my heart goes out to you, i know its hard to deal with but i promise you that it will get easier as time passes. Just know that we are here for you.

@Sparkling Radishes, Im so happy that your having a healthy pregnancy. I wasn't able to see the ultrasound pic but i know those are the best lol.

well for me, I'm still trying. my menstrual cycle seems to be acting crazy lately, my last period only lasted 3 days, normally last 5 and at the moment is looks like i started my period 4 days early...which lands on 10 dpo. Googling it says stuff about implantation bleeding, but it kind of a medium flow( but not AS heavy as it normally is), i got some cramps and boob pain, but nothing serious... I'm going to see how it goes for the next day or 2 and MIGHT test the day AF was actually due on. I'm 38 years i can't be going through premenapause yet can i

6 years ago • Post starter

Thanks @lauradgraham33- I guess the phrase 'third time lucky' has to have come from somewhere!? Luckily (in many ways) the last loss was so different to the first, I was able to handle it better. Plus I'd not even got to the stage of seeing the baby like I did first time so I think that's made a difference. The nurse told us to wait for a period after the loss, but we didn't. I know my body so well now and if it's not ready to be pregnant, it won't happen. But I don't want to waste time. So I'm 6dpo (again!!) now-few days behind you. How long have you been trying for?

6 years ago

@RubyG, I had a tubal reversal 6 months before I had my last pregnancy(miscarriage at 10 was- found out at the 12 week appointment). They wasn't able to find a heartbeat so they done an ultrasound). That was August of last year and I have been trying ever since

6 years ago • Post starter

can i ask you ladies something.
i ALWAYS get AF 14 or 15 dpo and it always lasts for 3-5 days... .. but AF came on 10 dpo this month and it was dying down to just brown spotting on day 5 but today (day 6) it started up again after me and my husband and it was red, so definitely not old blood like it was yesterday. The flow seemed like a normal period but the fact like it started 4 days early and it started looking red again today (day 6) has got me so confused. Should i even think about testing or accept the idea that it just came early and it lasting longer than normal.

6 years ago • Post starter

well ladies... this whole month seems out of whack for me. my AF came 10 dpo instead of 14 last for 6 days instead of the normal 4-5 days. and I'm having EWCM on CD 10 instead of CD 14 like normal. WTH!! its like my body decided to just press the PAUSE BUTTON for 4 days. My husband and I bed danced yesterday (the day i saw a large amount of EWCM. so I guess we will see what happens. lol don't think I'm going to get lucky tonight due to arguing. Oh well

how is everyone else doing

6 years ago • Post starter

How is everyone doing

6 years ago • Post starter

Ladies, I need your help! I stopped using OPKs (my boyfriend said I was stressing myself out, he hated seeing me like that, blah blah... long story short, he asked me to just take it easy and let things happen - BUT, I am afraid I may have trouble conceiving so charting my BBT, cervical position, cm and what not is my outlet/security lol)

I have been having O like pains since cd7 to cd10.. I thought I may have Od but it seemed far too early. Then cd11/cd12 my temps went high and on cd13 dropped back down... adding to the confusion. I've been having O pains/twinges/cramps and heaviness every day, more so from cd10 to now (cd15). Now, my temps have not risen back up above the coverline. EWCM started cd9 and stayed fertile until cd13. Feeling pretty dry and creamy today. How do I read this? Helps!

TTC month #3 for me, trying for my first bio child!


6 years ago

it's a very lonely TWW!

6 years ago

Hi aecmaine207, My best answer for you is to pay attention to your cervical mucus. You said that you had EWCM from CD 9 - CD13. That is definitely your fertile time. If you don't want to use Ovulation sticks to decide when is the best time to have sex, then when you start seeing the EWCM each month, start doing the bed dance, how ever much you feel up to it and your DH feels up to it. strong healthy sperm can live any where from 3-5 days, lol give your take a day or two ( I'm no doctor) lol but just have fun with it. The O pains that you are feeling is from the ovulation.

Me and my DH are still trying and we have decided to start BDing every other day during my fertile week because we have been trying since my MC August of 2016, but during that time we noticed we have only made love once or twice during the fertile week and CLEARLY that isn't doing the trick. this month I got EWCM on CD10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 and went creamy on CD15. I confirmed my LH surge with OPKs on CD 13 and CD 14... we made love on CD 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14. HOPEFULLY WE WILL GET OUR BFPs this month

6 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for responding @lauradgraham33! Temps have risen by at least 2/10ths of a degree over the past 3 days, today (cd16) my temps finally reached above what I believe is my coverline. None of my fertility apps have confirmed Ovulation so I am still just guessing. The only reason I am so concerned is bc I have ovulated on cd16 for the past 3 cycles and to ovulated on cd13/cd14 this month was very odd to me. I have a fear that I MAY have fertility issues, so not being sure if I Od or not is very stressful. BF and I have BDd every day, and if not every day, every other, during this whole cycle so I am not concerned with that - we certainly have fun with this ttc thing! hah!
I believe today I am 3dpo (if I did ovulate) and my cm has dried up for the most part (a very thin creamy/sticky/ewcm combo is left over but very scant -feels dry down there.) Super sore & sensitive nipples today, UTI like pressure but no pain and SUPER FREQUENT AND URGENT URINATING! OMG, like every 10 min! Fingers crossed my temps continue to rise (3 temps higher than the previous 6 high temps to confirm ovulation - today was my first high temp!)
Fingers crossed for all of you!

6 years ago

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